Why Worry?

By Ken Fletcher

“Though there is trouble and turmoil all around the believer, it’s possible to live in peace and tranquility inside. We can cast all of our care upon the Lord because He cares for us. Is it really possible to live worry free?

Some would argue that it is not possible. But, I know that it is possible! The Word will work for anybody who does it! When we cast our care upon the Lord–all the stuff that tries to burden us down with worry and fear–we can give it all to Him by faith! An act of our will! Refusing to let it dominate our being any more! Really giving it, and ourselves, to the Lord.

We can expect Jesus to get involved with our situation! And, He will! As much as we give Him, He will get involved. So, spending all that time worrying and fretting about stuff is fear related!

I do not want to live in fear. The Bible says that it brings torment. I resist fear and torment. I want to live in peace and tranquility with the Lord inside. Friends, we should resist fear in all of it’s forms. We should be aware of what it is.

Fear and worry is faith in reverse in some ways. It’s believing in bad results. Worry is actually fear based. We should not live in fear. We are In Christ! We are believers.

There is a lot of really terrible things coming upon this world. We should endeavor to live in the inside in faith and keep it nice in there! Resisting the stuff from the outside that brings worry and fear.

We do understand what is happening on this planet. And, we know how it all turns out. And, we know Who is our Lord. He is the One who will take care of us faithfully every day! Really now, when we look at what the Lord has done in us, what is there to worry about?

We should understand that He already knows our future in detail. We should look to Him in faith to stay on course every day. That involves faith. Faith in His word! Faith in His guidance! Where is fear and worry then? Well, it can’t be found in the face of faith in God!

We need to be more sensitive to spot worry and fear in our lives. When we perceive it, we should resist it. And, get ourselves in faith! Casting all of our care and worry on the Lord. Knowing He’s got us!

I’m so thankful for every good thing I can perceive from God. He has done so much for me. Sometimes when I think too much about something negative happening in my life, I take my eyes off of all God has already done. I’ve seen His faithfulness too many times.

I know better than to get into worry. But, sometimes, I find myself there! And, Jesus corrects me and shows me what is happening. Then, I can willingly give it all to Him and live worry free.

He said for us not to be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and in a detailed way, make our request before God with thanksgiving. Then, the word says that the peace of God which passes understanding will keep our hearts AND minds in Christ Jesus! (Phil. 4:6-7) That is where I want to live all the time.

But, as you know, it can be a challenge while living on the earth. We get a lot of practice sometimes, do we not? Well, I hope something I have wrote today has helped you get some perspective. Some of these things just come from meditating on these truths until we get it good and solid inside.

Jesus wants us to live in His peace. He wants to guide us through in His will for us. He knows the best way to go. Do we really trust Him with the stuff we worry about? Will He really take them? I’m so glad that He really will and does. And, then, when He has it all, we can live in His peace. KF KenFletcher.org

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