What’s Really Going On?

By Ken Fletcher

“We are primarily spirit beings. Since this is true, why are we not perceiving ourselves as we really are?

The darkness of our understanding is the result of sin and death entering into the world thousands of years ago. After that, we couldn’t even perceive the reality of our 3 part being within ourselves! We couldn’t even perceive how lost we are without God.

We are perceiving things very partially now when we are supposed to be able to perceive the spirit realm also. When a man or woman comes into Christ and becomes one with Him, then he or she can finally perceive some reality before God. But, even then, we walk (or live) by faith in Jesus because of the blindness we’re in here on earth in these bodies.

It really is amazing just how partially blind we are to the total reality of what is happening on earth everyday. The more I know the truth of things, the more I realize how little I know. But, the Lord is helping us to grasp some of these amazing facts of who we really are.

We are so much more than we understand. We are eternal spirit beings–created in the likeness and image of God Himself. What we fell from was perfection–unity with God. Satan became man-kind’s lord. He took the authority of the earth God gave us in the beginning. And, he has been using it against us ever since.

The thing that many people do not know is that Jesus won our authority back from the hands of the devil. Making the victory Jesus won over the devil our victory also when we receive the Lord! This is a Bible fact. So, what we’re seeing in our day is men and women yielding to the devil and doing His will, when, they could be receiving Jesus and dominating the devil.

In essence, we are living in a temporary place filled with deception and lies. The results of the great fall of mankind from God’s perfection is everywhere. Yet, people think all of this is normal. It’s far from normal! It is a huge mess!

But, those who place their faith in Jesus will again see perfection. In a believer’s spirit, there is already perfection. One with God! That is where a believer is actually dwelling now!

Where does the unbeliever dwell? It’s not in Christ. Only in Jesus is where God’s life is found. That is the truth! Now, if you do not have the life of God, you do not have Jesus. Do you realize this? Can you perceive the truth that is found in Jesus?

Do you perceive your need of Him? Do you realize you are separated from God without Jesus? Do you perceive the reality of the spirit realm?–Where you really are with God? Or are you believing lies like so many in our day?

I pray that you will see clearly where you really are with God. That is the most important thing in life. Make sure you are in Christ. Then, His life and victory are yours. You can perceive the truth of what is really going on–not what seems to be going on.

There are reasons why the world is in the terrible shape it is in now. Where does it all end? Well, this mess is going to be done away with. The evil will not be permitted to continue past a certain point.

Those who are in Christ have a Kingdom. It’s not of this world. It is God’s Kingdom we’ve been born into. And, now, we are citizens of Father’s Kingdom. He has freely opened it up to all men and women who believe.

Others may be of this world. We, who are in Christ, are not. We are of the Lord’s Kingdom. So, no matter how crazy stuff may get down here below, we know that we have Jesus AND His eternal life within our souls.

As you are reading this today, are you certain you have the eternal life of Jesus? It comes to us through faith in believing in Him and what He has done for us all. No one is excluded. All are welcome into God’s Kingdom!

But, what do you say? Do you believe what I have said, or do you believe it’s a bunch of bunk? I’m not the one to make your choices for you. Will you go before Jesus to really understand the truth of what is going on here on earth?

More importantly, will you go to Him to find out what is going on within you? That’s where the blindness to reality is.–Our own understanding of where we really are!

I encourage you today as you read this to think deeply about truth. What really is the truth about us in this world? What has God really done about all of this? Well, His grace reaches deeper than our fall. And, all who are willing to accept God’s plan of bringing us back into one-ness with Him through Jesus can be saved.

It really is a very personal decision. You have a will of your own. What will you do? Do you have Jesus? Then, you have eternal life! If you don’t have Jesus, God’s Son, then you do not have the eternal life God has provided for us all.

Receive Jesus! You can know where you are with God and what will happen when your body quits working! No more mystery about death! No more fear of death! I told a man who I was talking to yesterday that I was not afraid to die. How can any man say that? The fear of death is gone when you know Jesus! That’s how!

What is there to be afraid of when you have Jesus? Nothing! There is no one greater! He has completely dealt with death–and all who receive Him receive His life–never to die! Now, of course, our sinful body will drop off of us some day. But those who are in Christ will never die! So, what is there to be afraid of when our body dies? Nothing!

Those of us in Christ should be looking forward to the completion of our mission on earth. Then, we get to enter our Kingdom and see all that the Lord has done and prepared for us already.

My faith is fact. Based upon the Word of God. Backed up by Jesus’ very own Spirit! There is no guesswork here! I am so thankful that I know Jesus. You can too! There is no one who can stop you from receiving all that He has done for us. No one but you, that is!

It is your choice, your decision, your own will that determines whether or not you have the life of Jesus. So, what are you waiting for? There is no better time than today and right now to get it settled forever! Receive Jesus with all of your heart. He is available to you right now! What will you do? Will you stay in the blindness of understanding? Will you receive Jesus or reject Him?” KF KenFletcher.org

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