We’re Behind In Our Thanksgiving

By Ken Fletcher

“Can’t think of anything to praise God about today? Well, why don’t you praise Him for all the bad stuff that DIDN’T happen in your life! Stuff that could have! But, didn’t.

Maybe you are looking at a lot of bad stuff right now. Maybe you are not sure what to do with those negative thoughts that make you feel so bad. Well, try this out for size. Begin to thank God for each good thing in your life that you have experienced. Really thank Him! For each thing you can think of that you have experienced that was good. Keep it up for a while! Keep doing it.

Now, after awhile, begin to thank God for getting you out of the negative that you are experiencing. Ask Him to help you. Believe Him. Thank Him. Maintain a life of thanksgiving with God.

We just don’t thank Him enough! Even if we do it a lot! He does so much for us all the time. All of us are behind in our praise and thanksgiving to our Father. Well, we can do better! And, we should. He is worthy of all our praise and thanks. For all He has done. For all He is doing. For all He will be doing with us! How amazing He is!

Friend, I do not presume to know what you may be dealing with tonight. But, I can tell you that Father’s love and power and wisdom is far greater than what it is. So, my humble advice to you is to involve Him in your life. Give all the wrong to Him. All the hurt. All of the pain and anguish. Let Him be God to you.

Jesus is a personal Lord! Let Him be to you what He wants to be for you. He wants your best! Regardless of all the negative things that may be happening, you still have much to praise and thank God about.

Many times, we need to back up and back off and look at the bigger picture instead of focusing on the problem at hand. There really is a lot to praise God about. More even than we know. Much more!

If you have experienced anything good, you have experienced something that has come from Him. Because, everything good comes from God originally. Everything! The book of James in the Bible tells us that, every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights. With whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning. Not even a chance He could ever change. Everything good!

So, we really do have a lot to praise Him and thank Him for everyday! This article is not just for you! I’m reminding myself here too! I do not want to be an unthankful son. How about you, son or daughter of God?” KF KenFletcher.org

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