By Ken Fletcher 

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16


Many who are in the body of Christ are suffering from a complex; an inferiority complex. They do not feel worthy to come into the presence of God. Some even have a phrase they use to support their viewpoint which says: “I’m just an ol’ sinner saved by grace.” They have a sinner mentality.  Some ministers have spent so much time preaching on sin that Christians have developed the attitude that they are sinful. They feel that they can’t win against sin no matter what they do. With this mind set they bear up under the load and just try to do the best they can.

On the other hand, I have heard some Christians say to me after I had asked how they were doing: “I’m Just trying to make it through to the City.” What they meant by that expression was they were doing their best just to make it into Heaven. Some think that they must struggle and strive just to get into heaven as if it all depended on them. This is a common mentality among many. They feel if they mess up, fall, or sin, they are automatically disqualified for heaven. In various degrees, many dear people are trying to work their way to heaven. They think that if they can perform good enough on earth they can make it in. Because of this view they believe: “If I can just do enough good things I’ll be righteous enough to approach God’s Throne.”

The two different beliefs mentioned above are only a sample of the many different viewpoints people have of themselves and their relationship with God. What actually is your standing with God? Are you just a sinner saved by grace? Is your salvation based upon how good you perform? Is there a hesitancy that exists in your heart about approaching God’s Throne?

The consciousness of sin brings condemnation. If we see ourselves as sinners, we shrink down at the thought of standing in the presence of a Holy God. If we see ourselves as sinners, there is no confidence in us to even approach God’s Holy Throne. No, dear friend, we are not born into the family of God as sinners. WE WERE SINNERS, BUT WE ARE NOW SAVED BY GRACE. What are we now since we have been saved?

“There is therefore now no condemnation TO THEM which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” ( Romans 8:1)

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, HE IS a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Cor 5:17)

“For he [God] hath made him [Jesus] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that WE MIGHT BE MADE the righteousness of God in him.  (2 Cor 5:21)

“For as through one man’s [Adam’s] disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One [Jesus] the many will BE MADE righteous.” (Romans 4:19)

God has said in His Word that, if you are in Christ, you are NOW the righteousness of God in Him! Can you work or do anything at any time to attain such a nature as this? No way! You are MADE the righteousness of God in Christ. Who made you righteous? GOD HIMSELF! God has declared you to have right standing with Him. Not just in the sweet by and by, but RIGHT NOW. Praise God!

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”  (Eph. 2:8-10)

God’s Word says that you are His workmanship. HIS WORKMANSHIP! Is God’s workmanship unrighteous? No! It is not possible. His workmanship in us by Christ is a perfect and complete work. You were created righteous the very moment you were born again. Did you get that? This is such an important fact that I want to say it again: You were created righteous, by the Holy Spirit, the exact moment you received Jesus as your Lord.

My dear friend, YOU WILL NEVER BE MORE RIGHTEOUS THAN YOU WERE THE MOMENT YOU RECEIVED THE LIFE OF GOD IN YOUR SPIRIT THROUGH THE NEW BIRTH! Right standing with God, then, is His gift to us. A gift which we are to receive by faith, walk in by faith, and grow in our understanding of, by faith. How can we say that we are just ol’ sinners saved by grace in light of God’s Word? Or, after understanding the awesomeness of what He has done for us through Christ, how can we even begin to work or perform good enough to pay for God’s righteousness? We can not. We simply accept, believe, and walk in the light of His truth.

Our main text in Hebrews 4:16 says: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace…” Friend, you cannot approach the Throne of God with boldness and confidence without a clear understanding of your right standing with God. Because of Jesus’ righteousness (that was imparted to your spirit through the new birth) you can boldly approach the very Throne of God.

This is absolutely vital: You must know, that you know, that you know, that you can approach God’s Throne! There must be a confidence; a certainty in your steps. A boldness! You must know that you have a right to be there! It is important you know, also, that GOD WANTS YOU TO APPROACH HIM BOLDLY! He is the one who told you to come in the first place.

So many precious Christians are going through life without having their prayers answered and doing without things that God has provided for them to have because they fail to make vital contact at the Throne of Grace! God knows in advance the things you need, but he wants you to approach His Throne and ask Him for them. He wants you to come to the Throne Room. Hallelujah!

Your heavenly Father wants you to come into His presence at the Throne any time you want to. He especially enjoys when you come just to be with Him and spend time enjoying the fellowship. But, regardless of whether you come to fellowship, request something that you need, or rush in at a time of crisis, God wants you to come boldly to His Throne. Praise God!

Now, we know that there are times here on earth when we miss it. All of us have fallen short and sinned in one way or another since we have been saved. There is no excuse for us when we sin. It is wrong. We should hate sin even as God hates sin. If we sin, instantly there is a loss of our sense of righteousness. We no longer feel worthy to approach God’s Throne. There is the loss of confidence in approaching God. Our faith becomes weak.

But, thank God, we have an advocate in heaven, Jesus Christ the righteous who sits at the right hand of God. Because of the sacrifice of His Blood on Calvary, and His present day ministry for us at the right hand of God in heaven, we have the God given privilege, even after sinning, to approach Him and confess our sin. Praise God!

1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (NAS)

After we have been forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness, as far as God is concerned, it is as if we had never sinned. How wonderful it is to have our broken fellowship with God restored again. How thankful we should be for 1 John 1:9! After we have been forgiven and cleansed we can once again approach God’s Holy Throne without fear, intimidation or inferiority. You see, the Throne Room is where we belong! To be near God is our rightful place. The Father, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are our family! Hallelujah!

My dear friend, the quality of your fellowship with God and your prayer life is dependent upon your understanding of righteousness. You are born to stand in God’s presence! You are created to do good works! Your right standing with God is a fact. You see, because you are in Christ, you have just as much of a right to go to the Throne as Jesus does. Through His shed Blood, Jesus gave you this awesome privilege. Glory to God!

If you will get hold of the fact that you are NOW the righteousness of God in Christ, it will forever change your life. No longer will the devil hold you down under the lie of condemnation. No longer will you hesitate to approach your Father’s Throne. No longer will your prayers go unanswered. NO LONGER! Praise God! You will walk as a conqueror in life. Your fellowship with God will be close and sweet. The lives of other people around you will be affected positively because you know who you are and who’s you are. I’m telling you, things will change!

Friend, your spirit is totally righteous if you are God’s child. Quit focusing on your shortcomings and sins. Begin to focus on your right standing with God. Walk in the spirit (your inward man) and you won’t fulfill the lusts of your flesh. Focus your life on the inward man who is hooked up with God. Live your life from the inside out, not the outside in. You have been focusing on the wrong thing. Focus on God’s Word! Look at what God has done for you and is doing in you instead. Look at who God says you are in His Word, not what the world, other people, circumstances, or the devil say you are. Renew your mind with God’s Word! (Romans 12:2)

You are created for victory! Your very nature is the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ! How can you cower down and identify with what you used to be any longer. Rise up! Take your place in the family. Start acting like who you really are! You are God’s very own child! You have right standing with your Father! Hallelujah!

You can approach the very Throne of God where nothing is impossible. You can approach Him because He has made you the righteousness of God in Christ. Don’t stay away another minute, precious friend. Hold your head high and raise your hands up in praise. Today and everyday, GOD WANTS YOU TO BOLDLY APPROACH THE THRONE OF GRACE! Praise God forever!

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