Origin Of Alcohol Part 1

By Ken Fletcher

This is an important article. To many people. It is a article of reality. What’s really going on! I have received some revelation from the Lord. Things I did not know before. Things I did not see before. Things I had questions about concerning alcohol consumption. Jesus told me the truth about it. I knew a few things before. But, now I know more. He told me to share it with you. 

Millions of people in the world AND believers struggle with this question. Am I condemning or judging anyone because they drink? Absolutely, no. Jesus is NOT and I am not! Is this revelation exclusive to me? I really do not think so. However, I have not personally heard any person on earth deal with it like I have received from the Lord. So, if you have heard some of this before somewhere, then, that is good. But, please, this may help you or someone you know who is struggling with alcohol consumption or abuse. Thanks for hanging with me, reader. 

Here we go: In the beginning there was only life. No death or any manifestation of death on the earth or the natural material realm. At that time, our original first parents did not know what death was. They did not know what sickness and disease was. They did not know what poverty and lack of material things were. It was completely foreign to them. They had no idea except what Father had told them–That they would die if they disobeyed. Did they understand what He said? I think they understood some. But, the realization and magnitude of it all, the results of it all, they did not know or have any idea what that meant in reality. 

They only knew life and abundance in everything! They only knew perfect! In everything! Because everything was complete and perfect in every way before they arrived on the planet. Created to perpetually regenerate and last forever. No evil anywhere! Think of it. No germs. No evil bacterias. No decay. No death in anything anywhere! There was nothing that could break down! It was created by God that way! That is what they knew and experienced all the time! 

Then, God gave Adam the Authority of the whole perfect material realm! The whole realm! Completely! Without any reserve! It all really belonged to Adam and his desendents. (Us) The whole thing! Of course we know what happened. Our first parents, Adam and Eve sinned. Turning their backs on Father. Committed treason against Him. And, in doing so, yielded the whole perfect material earth realm to satan, God’s enemy. 

That was satan’s goal. To rule in our place. Taking OUR God given Authority over the earth! Oh, He lusted after it. Yes He did! And, through deception and cunning evil wisdom and persuasion and manipulation, he successfully obtained OUR Authority from Adam! At that time, the Earth and everything on it was ours to control and live in forever as God gave it to our family! But, after the temptation, and the evil plan was complete, everything changed. Everything!! 

Perfect was no more in the natural realm that God had created. What was introduced into this realm was death and all of the particular manifestations of death. It not only separated them from God’s life within them, but the death also manifested in their bodies as well. They, along with us in them, (as our seeds were in Adam), died that day! Separated from God. Their bodies began dying immediately. From that moment. Though they lived many hundreds of years after the fall, their bodies also died that day. 

With all the terrible realities that we see and know about in our lives here on earth, it is ALL a manifestation of the death that was introduced into the earth. Sickness, disease, poverty, pride, selfishness, greed, negatives and evil of all kinds now manifesting because everything changed back then! 

What we are experiencing in this present life on earth now is because of the death that was introduced into this realm! Do you hear me? What you think is normal IS NOT NORMAL! It’s death manifesting! You think sickness is normal? The world does! They think to be sick is normal. They think feeling like crap just happens sometimes. Everybody knows. Well, I’m here to tell you that sickness is FAR from normal! Sickness is a manifestation of a perverted natural ream! It’s NOT normal! It’s not what we are supposed to be experiencing! But, more on that in another post someday. 

Where life and perfection was, death is now permeating the earth and all of it’s inhabitants. The earth itself was altering into the new order of things. The whole natural creation was altered when satan took Adam’s God given Authority of the Earth. This IS reality, my friends! This is the way it is and why! Do we perceive the truth of it? Do we really understand what it means? I think not, with most all people. Well, if we don’t know the truth of things, that means we are IN deception somehow, in some degree. 

You think you know what’s really real? Humm…? Well, I’m on here splashing you with some reality! Do you receive it? Will you receive it? I believe some will. Others will reject it. But, I don’t give a flip whether or not you believe me. Because, I have heard the truth from the Jesus! So, I know now! You have a will of your own, don’t you? Sure! So, if some rejected the truth of Jesus when He walked and spoke the truth on the earth, some will surely reject me here and now. 

The servant is not greater than His Lord. Will you listen? Will you receive? Don’t know about you. But, I’m putting it out here because He told me to. You do with it what you wish before the Lord. Some just flat don’t care what He says. Some may not believe that I even hear from Him. That’s okay with me. I know that I do! No matter what anyone says! I have His Spirit right here with me now! The truth IS IN Jesus! 

What IS the real truth about alcohol consumption? What’s the deal? Really! It is a substance like so many other substances that are consumed by people. What is happening with it? Why does it do what it does to people? 

The abuse of this substance is at the root of many broken homes, financial ruin, homelessness, broken careers, sorrow of all kinds are in it’s wake. Is it evil? Come on, now, lets get real. We all have seen the devestating effects of achohol abuse in people. We have heard of others and what has happened in their lives because of it. 

You may say, brother Ken, are you preaching AGAINST alcohol consumption? NO. That is YOUR CHOICE! You are NOT condemned by God for using it! Do you hear me? Nor do I condemn you! Nope! So, don’t think I’m on here trying to put you down cause you drink some, because I’m not! But, you DO deserve to know the truth! Yes you do! And, then, you can do what you wish before the Lord in your own heart! 

Receive it or reject it. It’s up to you! Of course, there are many other substances that are being abused too. But, here, I am primarily dealing with alcohol now, though. What’s the real deal about it? 

Listen, I had a wonderful instructor at Bible school by the name of Cooper Beaty. Who we all loved! A wonderful precious brother. He went home to be with the Lord in 2014. Now, brother Cooper taught about one thing that I want to show you here. This part was reveled to me many years ago concerning alcohol. 

After the fall of humanity, the earth was filled with violence. Fallen man was manifesting death all over. The population on earth was filled with violence. Evil was manifesting in dramatic prepotions. All over. You think things are bad now? It was much worse then! Yes it was! So much so, that in God’s heart, He was sorry that He even made man. It grieved Him so in His heart! Great sadness was in God’s heart. 

But, as God looked in the hearts of men over the whole earth, there was one man named Noah. Who found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Oh praise God! Noah found grace in the midst of all of that violence and evil that was going on in his day. What was it about Noah that brought him God’s grace? It was that He believed God. 

And so, God told Noah He must destroy all the evil people filled with violence and hatred. Because, God knew, as He looked in their hearts, they would not change. Only more and more evil and death would manifest. God trusted Noah. And, Noah understood by revelation and realized what was going to happen. God showed him the future. And, told Noah to build an ark. A place of preservation for him and his family, etc. A fresh new start for humanity through Noah and his sons. 

So, believing what God said, he began building. It took him many, many years to construct it. His whole life was about this! It was SO important! Beyond our understanding HOW important it was for him to complete the ark! 

The Bible says that Noah was a preacher of righteousness. So, as He built, and as the world mocked, he preached the truth about right-standing with God! He was not too popular except everyone in the world all thought He was crazy! So, of course the word got around about this lunatic building a huge cargo ship talking about rain and the world being destroyed! 

You see, in that time, the world did not know what rain was. Nobody knew what he meant. Rain? What’s that? The ecosystem was all different in the original creation of God. There was a water membrane (I guess you could say) around the whole earth at that time. A mist came up and watered everything. 

The sun’s effects were different on the surface of the earth. I believe this is why people lived so much longer in those days before the flood of Noah. The harmful effects of the sun were diminished in the original earth. So, people lived much longer then. I believe it was Noah’s grandfather, Methuselah, who was the longest living man in the world after the fall of Adam and Eve. Living 969 years in a fallen death doomed realm. Then, his fallen body died too. Just like all the others after the fall. 

So, here’s Noah, believing God. Moved by God to build an ark to preserve humanity. Nobody believed him. Was there faith on the earth then in people? We’re not even sure if his sons believed him or not. But, he believed it so much that he kept after it until he got the job done! No matter what anyone said. What faith! Praise God! 

So, you know the result of what happened. The whole earth was under the water that broke forth out of the water membrane surrounding the earth above. And, it rained water down from above the upper part of the atmosphere. And, it sprang forth from the water under the earth also. And the water completely destroyed the earth by the water covering it. 

Afterward. The earth was now very different than before the flood. Seasons, weather patterns, storms, rain and cold and hot. Seasons of weather now. 

Here is where we must consider that happened then. Brother Cooper spoke of this possibility in my classes so many years ago, that after the great flood, we read that Noah planted a vineyard. And, he got drunk drinking the wine of the grapes that were produced by the earth. 

Now, we know that the earth and the whole material realm changed after the fall. But, how much sin and death had actually changed the original creation, during when Methuselah lived, we don’t know much from scripture. I believe, because of the original creation’s perfection, it took a while before the full effects of the fall were realized on the earth itself. 

The world that Methuselah and Noah knew was gone. Noah was now living in a completely different world with a completely different ecosystem! Yes he was! He planted a vineyard. He drank of the grape juice. He got drunk! Did Noah know he was going to get drunk when he drank of the grapes? No. I don’t believe He knew he would get drunk. But, he did. And, read about the consequences of him getting drunk. 

It was devistating to him and his family. I’m not going into what happened in his family because of alcohol today. But, read it in your own Bible in the book of Genesis what happened. It was beyond sad. 

And, beeause of him getting drunk with the wine, our world history was changed as his decendents were. Us included! 

What happened there? My friends, I believe that Noah did not know about bacteria. It came out from death as all the other evil manifestations did. Where does sickness come from? Death. It’s a manifestation, a result of death being entered into the earth. So is evil bacteria!! 

How is alcohol made? The grapes, or other fruits and grains, etc., sits and rots with bacteria doing it’s thing in the grapes. Rotting. That is where it comes from. Reality! That is where it is produced. By taking good fruit or other things, and just letting them sit too long in this fallen atmosphere, a certain bacteria is formed in the process. It’s called rotting. Rotten grapes fermenting. Setting in rotting grapes bacteria for a period of time produces the alcohol juice. 

Whether you realize it or not, it is the result of rot and decay! It is the result of rotting bacteria. It is the result of death manifesting in the natural realm in the form of bacteria. 

Someone may ask me if I drink? I don’t at this time at all. Only in an isolated medicinal way. It’s been many many years since I have. I did not know all of this years ago. I just did not feel good about it in my life anymore. I never was what you would call a drunk. I never had a problem with it controlling me as far as I know. But, I have been drunk on several occasions. And, I know personally what it did to me. It was not good. 

Do I look down my nose at a believer or anyone else who decides to drink? Nope! I believe that it is a completely personal matter between you and God. I do not believe that a few beers or a glass of wine at home is bad. I believe that small amounts of alcohol is no big deal at all. Even if it is drinking grape rot or grain rot, etc. In the right perportions, and the right kind, science tells us it can actually be beneficial to our bodies. 

Where does the positive aspects or the medicinal benefits for us turn into evil? I think that is between you and the Lord. What is HE saying about it in your life? That is what matters. Because, He knows if it is negative in your life or not. 

Some folks already know they should leave it alone. They already know the negatives they have experienced already. Some are just getting into the areas of danger for themselves. Do I know where you are? Do I know what you should consume? Of course not. But, Jesus does. And, He WILL tell you if you’re in a place to listen. 

Some don’t want to listen to Him. So, they go on into trouble willingly. Neverminding the results and the destruction taking place in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. 

Remember the things that happened to Noah and His family. Have you read about it yet? The truth is in the Word, my friend. The results of drinking too much rotting grape juice! The results of a fallen realm where death is–where evil bacteria is! That is what our ancestor, Noah and his family experienced. 

The difference is Noah did not know about the results of rotting grapes like we do. We know what alcohol will do in us now. Yes? Some have never touched it in a negative way but only in a medicinal way to help them stay healthy. I think that is a good thing to consider for ourselves before the Lord. I think it may be helpful to some. But, some need to completely stay away. I know both kinds of people in real life. I have seen what happens to some people who over drink. Their thinking capacity is altered significantly. 

I’ve seen peaceful loving people turn in to people looking for a fight. I had a buddy who, in my drinking days, was a very kind and peaceful person to be around. But when he hit that whiskey, he turned into looking for a fight and became very confrontational. Wanting to drag me into fights with him too! So, that is only one example I have seen in my life of the results of it’s negative effects on some people. 

Since those days, I have learned much about the demon’s interaction with people consuming too much. Oh yes, they ARE involved! Don’t you think different. If you want to understand reality, that is. 

They are glad for the opportunity to gain access to anyones thoughts during intoxication. And, they do! Now, some people, in reality, do okay in this area. There is little interaction or access to demons to their thoughts. I’m telling you the truth here. Believe it or not. The reason is, they are still in control by their will–not easily persuaded. Others will almost take those demonic thoughts as their own thoughts–doing everything the devil wants them to do and say. 

Back when I was a kid, people called alcohol drinks spirits. You remember? Wonder why? Humm…? Were getting into some nitty gritty stuff now. How ya doin? You staying with me or gave up the ship already? Well, I hope you will hear me out and not draw any conclusions, please, until I’m done with this and get out all the Lord wants to say about it. You interested? 

Someone said, well, Jesus drank. And that is absolutely true. He did! AND, we’re going to get into that on the next post. So, you with me? You want the truth? You want to know what reality is? Well, you know I love you no matter whether you like or believe what I’ve wrote or not. I love you. But it does not matter to me whether you believe me or not. 

I am bold because I have heard from the Lord. When I know it’s my Master, I do. I go. I say. Whatever. I’m a reality preacher! Period! The way it really is! That is what I’m after. AND I’m seeing it! So, I hope to see you on the next post. Blessings!” KF

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