The More Real Realm

By Ken Fletcher

“People think what’s real is what they are seeing and feeling here on earth. It is real in the natural realm. Not in God’s realm in the Kingdom. There, things are different. In the place where the total will of God is being done. In the place where peace and joy flows like a river in everybody. In the place where He rules there is light and understanding. There is life! Eternal life! For us all. Now, THAT is God’s reality. It’s everlasting! Now, for the believer, all of that is IN us NOW! There is no need to wait to realize what you have already. You may say, well, I can’t see it. So. You can’t see your brain or other things, but you know you have them. You ARE spirit, my friend. And, spirits should be in contact with the real of God. The realm of the spirit for us means we have the Kingdom dwelling within us after we received the life of Jesus through faith. So, now WE ARE the children of God. Now. We have the life of God. Now, we have all of the benefits of our citizenship in the Kingdom that we share with Jesus. No waiting until later. It was a work of God that put us in union with Jesus. We have the Holy Spirit if we are His. Now! So, the potential for us is great, if we only knew and understood. Well, I know that most people don’t see what I’m talking about. It’s because of not understanding this fusion we have with God. It changes everything! What we have now with God is for NOW and LATER. We will be later, after we pass, as we are now. We will have later what we already have now. So, what really IS real? This fallen natural realm that is passing away? Yes, of course, it’s real. But, what is MORE real is the Kingdom within us that CANNOT pass away! That is God’s realm. That is our realm. That is the more real realm. The eternal realm. That’s where we live. Do we perceive where we live? Do we understand who we have inside? WHAT we have inside? Oh boy! It IS amazing when you begin to grasp these things. What is going on in this seen realm is passing away. Someday, we will look around and all we can see is the realm of God. But, we’re not there yet. Since we’re in these fallen bodies in a fallen natrual realm, we too are in touch with all of the bad things. But, the difference is that we understand this seen realm. We also understand the other realm we live in–the spirit realm of the Kingdom where Jesus and the Father is. We are there always instant through the Holy Spirit who dwells securely in us. So, we who live in the Kingdom, are also living in the fallen realm of the senses. What do you believe? Do you believe that you can draw out of the treasure of your heart and touch others we live around in the natural realm? I do. I am seeing it. Gonna see much more. If I can, you can too! Why hold back on what we can do for our neighbor? When we know what we’ve got! Well, that really is at the root of the problem. Many of us believers really don’t know what we’ve got. Do you really want to know? Jesus said seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened. So, why don’t you do that? You can perceive the real in you! What you already have! Now!” KF

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