By Ken Fletcher

There are questions in the minds of many people as to why certain problems are existing in their lives. They may even look in the Bible and read about God’s wonderful work of redemption, yet, what is actually happening in their lives is contrary to what is written.

In many people’s lives there is a paradox that exists. On one hand they know what the Word of God says, but, on the other hand they are actually experiencing adverse circumstances that, they know, is not God’s best for them. Numbers of dear Christians are perplexed or confused about what to do concerning their present situation.

The facts about the problems that have plagued humanity are real. Every day, people really do go to hell. Sickness and disease continue to be a terrible curse to people around the globe. Poverty and lack of finances are producing problems of tremendous proportions in the lives of people all over the world. Fear, anxiety, and depression, are real forces that attack people of every race and walk of life on the earth. These sobering facts are real, my friend, very real!

On the day that the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, fell and Satan took over the world system, a law (or reality) was set in motion: the law of sin and death. 2 Corinthians 4:4, says that Satan became, “… the god of this world.”

With the authority that Adam and Eve gave away, Satan introduced into the world spiritual death, sickness and disease, poverty, fear, depression, and all his other terrible realities. Our enemy, Satan, is the author of the law of sin and death. He has brutally beaten down mankind using this law like a cruel and unmerciful slave driver would use a whip. But, thank God, I am so glad to tell you of another law. A greater and much more powerful law. This law lifts people out from under the law of sin and death. THIS LAW supersedes what the devil has done through the law of sin and death!

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.” Romans 8:2 (NAS)

In this article, I’ve been impressed to talk to you about the higher reality of faith in God’s forever settled Word! This higher and greater reality, sets captives free from the bondage of the devil and all of his works. Let me say it again; THIS REALITY delivers people from the devil and ALL of his works! This “higher reality” brings the life of God to us. Praise His Name!

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ knew that you and I were utterly helpless to do anything about our situation. In the scripture above, we see that the law of the Spirit of life is IN Christ Jesus. There is no escape from the law of sin and death except through faith in Christ Jesus. In Him alone is life! Only in Jesus will you be able to experience the higher reality! It is in His Word, The Bible, that we find out about this wonderful truth.

Through the mighty redemption plan of God, we have been set free from the awful realities of the law of sin and death. “For He (God) delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” Colosians 1:13 (NAS)

Friend, if you are born again, you have been delivered from the domain of spiritual death, and transferred into God’s very own life! You have been delivered from the domain of sickness and disease, and transferred into healing and health! You have been delivered from the domain of poverty, and transferred into prosperity and well being. You have been delivered from the domain of fear, depression, and anxiety, and transferred into God’s wonderful love, joy, and peace. This is God’s higher reality!

By faith in Jesus’ substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection from the dead, YOU HAVE BEEN DELIVERED AND TRANSFERRED INTO HIS KINGDOM! You are free!

Those who have made Jesus their Lord, ARE NOW DELIVERED out of the clutches of the enemy and are free from the curse of God’s broken law. “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us – for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’ – in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Galatians 3:13-14 (NAS) The curse of the law has no right to touch you anymore! Jesus became the curse so you would be free. The blessing is legally yours. You are redeemed property!

I believe that many who are reading this article today are still embracing the old lie. This lie comes into your mind and says, “you don’t deserve to be free.” Even though you know that you are God’s very own child. Listen dear one, your heavenly Father’s attitude toward you is this: “There is NOTHING too good for my child!” Look at Romans 8:32, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not ALSO WITH HIM FREELY GIVE US ALL THINGS?” Our wonderful heavenly Father will freely give us, along with Jesus, ALL THINGS! Believe that! It is true. Hallelujah!

“…The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8b (NAS)

What wonderful news this is to the lost one who is hell bound. He does not have to go to hell – he can be free and know that he is going to heaven. How excited the sick or diseased person becomes when he discovers that Jesus has carried away his sickness and disease so he can be free and have a healthy body. How happy the poor person becomes after he finds out that, through Jesus Christ, he can be free from the cruel bondage of poverty and lack and have abundant provision. Praise God! JESUS HAS SET US FREE FROM THE CURSE!

In the verses above, you can see that God has done all He is ever going to do about the devil and the law of sin and death. The work is done! The victory has been won! His part is complete. What remains is your part. WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH WHAT HE HAS DONE?

My precious friend, in order to change your present realities, YOU must do something about them. You must put God’s higher reality into effect in your own life. You must decide! God will never override your will. It is absolutely your choice which reality you allow to operate in your life!

How do you put into effect God’s higher reality in your life? Through faith in His Word. You must believe and confess the Word of God. Make it your own! Possess God’s promises concerning the things in your life that need to be changed. There is power, tremendous power, residing in God’s Word to change your present realities into His higher realities! You must remember that God has paid for them, in full, through Christ. He wants you to take complete advantage of everything that Jesus came to give you!

Jerry Savelle says, “The highest and most real way to live is living by faith in God’s Word.” Why is this so? Because God’s Word is not limited to the realm of the senses–the natural, physical realm. Jesus said that his Words are spirit and they are life. God, in the realm of the spirit, gave birth to the natural physical realm. His Word will always supersede the realm of the senses. His everlasting Word IS THE HIGHER REALITY. Higher and greater than any other fact!

My friend, your faith in what God has said in His Word will absolutely change your life! The enemy may say that you can’t change those negative realities in your life, but YOU CAN through the awesome power of God’s Word! (Hebrews 4:12) In 1 John 4:4, we find out that “…greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Greater power, higher power, is in you now! Through faith in the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit residing on the inside of you, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!

Jesus said, in John 10:10, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Jesus came to bring the higher reality to set us free from the enemy’s reality that has kept us bound. Jesus brought to us ABUNDANT LIFE. Life, with a capital L! Praise God!

My dear friend, as far as God is concerned, His higher reality is yours – RIGHT NOW…“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.” If you have not received Jesus as your Lord, receive Him NOW. Get out from under the terrible reality that you have been experiencing.  Pray this prayer sincerely from your heart to God. Say, “Dear God, I believe in Jesus. I believe that you sent Him, that He was crucified and died to pay for my sins. I believe in my heart that you raised Him up from the dead to set me free. God, with all my heart, today, I receive Jesus and confess Him as my Lord.”

If you prayed that prayer sincerely to God, according to His Word, you are now His child. You are in His family. You can now actually experience The Higher Reality of God. Praise Jesus forever! If you prayed that prayer, please write me and let me know so I can rejoice with you! God bless you! KF

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