Thanksgiving Perceives The Real

By Ken Fletcher

“It seems the more thankful of heart that I am, the more I appreciate what has been given to me. It seems as I perceive the real behind the material better. I see the giver behind the blessing. I see the depth of goodness that has come to me. The expression of love from God. Every good thing. He is the giver of it. I want to stay thankful. Be more thankful. Because I understand that I see the reality of the situatioin better. The gifts that Jesus gives are wonderful. But, what is much more wonderful than the gifts themselves is the love that has been expressed by God to us. To know He is the One where it came from. Sometimes to get to see the miracles of how He did it. Oh what wonder. Did that good thing happen to us just because we were lucky? Well, I choose to look at it the way it is. Because, I know, that if it’s good, it’s God. And, if it’s God. It’s because of love! And, we should be thankful in response to a wonderful, caring, giving, Father. Who has given us every good thing. Yes, I know that it’s the Thanksgiving Season. But friend, I want to live like this all the time. We have so much to thank God for. I thank you too, for reading my stuff. I know my grammar and spelling is aweful. Probably making some of you cringe. But, I’m really thankful to you for your prayers and love for Yolanda and I. We really do want to be a blessing. With love, have a great Thanksgiving Season!” KF

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