Stay Longer

By Ken Fletcher

“Life as we know it on earth is an experience we are passing through. We, our souls, are eternal. This present experience will pass quickly and then we, our souls, will be experiencing the spirit realm without the restrictions of this fallen body.

Contrary to the belief of some, we do not have a certain day or time to die. It IS appointed for our bodies to die once. But, the when is up to us and the Lord. There were times in the Bible when folks were going to die, but they prayed and their lives were extended. So, the notion that there is a day and time that you are supposed to die is false.

I have seen sickness and disease run children of God out of their bodies. Their body became so sick that it was not fit for them to live in any more. I told a friend one time, as her aging father had lived into his mid 90s, He was tired and wanted to go home. Can you blame him? But, she was so thankful to have had him with her on earth for so long. Friends, we do not want sickness and disease to make us go! We want to live in faith until we are ready to go. When we and Jesus say so. Can we do that? Is it possible? I believe it is!

We believers know that this present fallen body will someday be changed into the likeness of our Lord’s body. Incorruptible. Not subject to death ever again. A body that desires to do what we want to do. No struggle. And, our new body can do things like the Lord did after His resurrection. What a day that will be when we tryout our new resurrected body! But, that is then and this is now.

We’re still dealing with the fallen realm and fallen bodies right now. But, we are now joined with the Lord by the Holy Spirit. His eternal life flows in us. We are fused with Him. Won’t it be great when we get to see Him face to face!

Well, this life is quickly passing by. Lets decide to stay as long as He and us want to stay. It’s not just up to Him, you know. You have something to say about it too. Since this present temporary life has such struggles and negatives, when you get a certain age, you get more tired of messing with it all.

Since the body ages, which is a manifestation of the death that was introduced into the material realm, a soul inside gets tired of dealing with a body that it has to drag around and deal with. Yet, to stay longer on earth is so much better for those who are under our influence. The longer we stay, the longer Jesus stays through us to others. And, we can pass on what we know to the next generation.

That is particularly important to our close family members, children and grandchildren. So, what I’m trying to say is, decide NOT to leave early. Stay as long as Jesus and you decide. He wants us to be satisfied in life before we go. Some folks take longer to get satisfied than others. But, regardless the case, do not let the devil steal precious time from you down here on earth.

Prepare for longevity! Learn how to live in faith over your body. That is what I am endeavoring to do. Jesus is always inside to help us make corrections and keep our faith on track. It’s important to stay as long as we can on earth as long as we walk it out in faith.

Your influence and my influence can not be duplicated. It is original. No one can be you and Jesus but you and Jesus. Together. So, let us keep our perspectives correct to the long term eternal truths. Remembering this is all very temporary. Remembering why we are here. Getting stronger every day. Let’s decide to live the rest of our time down here in faith and victory!” KF

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