May 4, 2024

Know Thyself Part 46 * Ken Fletcher Ministries


What the Father has done! After Jesus was raised from the dead by God’s power, Father sat Him at His right hand far above all authority, power, dominion, and every name that is named.

The amazing thing about it all is, Father has also raised us up together WITH Christ. We are in Him. Sharing His life. We are part of Him. So, we also are sitting next to Father positionally. In Christ. We are so close to the Almighty! Praise God!

Now, we have His Spirit witiin our spirit. Making us one with Him. Never apart. Being rasied with Christ, we now have an inheritance. Jesus’ inheritance! The same! We share it with Jesus! This is way beyond good news.

This truth is something that we will be learning more and more about as we go along. Really, it takes revelation from God to grasp it just a little bit. It is so huge. But, we are looking at it anyway trying to expand our understanding of what we have. It is ours. Regardless of whether or not we can wrap our minds around it.

We have obtained this eternal inheritance from Father God! Bless His Name forever! Please stay with me on the journey as we travel through part 46 of our series, Know Thyself. We have much more than we think we have!

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