April 20, 2024

Know Thyself Part 44 * Our Union With Jesus * Ken Fletcher Ministries


Because of our union with Jesus, we have now no condemnation. We are complete and free in God’s sight. We are made in His image and likeness. Because of what Jesus did, we now stand iin front of God with no sense of guilt or shame or inferiority. Just as we had never sinned. Complete in Christ. With His nature flowing in us all the time. As children of God we are what He has made us. Our relationship with God is only possible because of Jesus coming and taking our death upon Himself. Giving us new life that is joined with God. We are one with Jesus. Shouldn’t we be hearing from Him clearly inside? We can! And, we should! If you are not aware of this amazing union we have with Jesus, well, I hope you will go back and really do a study with us through this series. I believe you will find information that will help you to hear clearly from Jesus. Stay with us on the journey as we roll along on Part 44. We are getting back into the book of Ephesians some more on this seminar. Blessings to you!

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