August 19, 2023

Know Thyself Part 22


Imagine if you could see what you really are? You would see that you are a soul (which is spirit) inside ot a spirit body! You, the soul, are running your body through your physical brain. The image of the person you see in the mirror is not you! You are eternal. Your soul and spirit will never die. You are created in the image of God, who is an eternal spirit. So, you are too! The New Creation of God is made in the likeness and image of Jesus. We are in Christ. He is in us. We are blended into His life. We are infused with His nature! All He is, He is in us now! His power is not diminished. His ability not faded. He is stronger than ever. In us! Do you really know who you are? What you have? What you can do in this life? Do you understand this fusion we are with the Lord? Stay with me on the journey as we endeavor to wrap our minds around the fact that we are ONE with God! Because of Jesus inside, we are! What an amazing truth!

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