Quit That Focus!

By Ken Fletcher

“Are you trying to live for God? Trying to perform right? Well, I’ve done that! What we are trying to do is work on the outside fallen body actions. It’s almost like, when one ugly thing pops up in us, we knock it down. While we knock it down, another ugly one pops up. And on and on it goes. Until you’re wore out knocking down the pop ups!

Listen, we’ve got the cart before the horse! The focus should not be on outward performance–how good we’ve done out in this realm. The victory is in when your focus is on the new creation of God, who you are, inside. Now! You are in connection with Jesus. You should flowing out here in the natural realm what is inside in the spiritual realm. That is who you are! But, what are you perceiving about who you are? That’s the question!

You and I struggle because we do not realize who we are and what we have inside with Jesus! The more I find out, the more I realize how big what we have really is.

Listen friend, I have been under the bondage of TRYING to live for God. And failing miserably. Feeling guilty. Feeling like God did not want anything to do with me. A failure as a Christian. All performance based. All condemning of one’s self. All satan supported and encouraged. AND, religion is part of the reason we see ourselves this way too.

If you can only see the truth of who you really are inside, the performance thing that you used to focus on will drop off of you. There will be a liberty and freedom in your life as you live from the inside out. Now, you’ve got the horse in front of the cart where it should be. You are living out on the outside the results of what Jesus has done on the inside!

Real mind renewal is thinking like God thinks about stuff. And, mind renewal for the believer includes understanding who we really are in front of Jesus! To see ourselves correctly. When we see, understand, and know who we are inside, in our souls, we will just act it out on the outside.

The performance thing is just a matter of living by faith in what Jesus is saying to us. Simple. Walking in love. Walking in faith. Living in no condemnation from God OR ourselves!

Yeah, man! Quit agreeing with the devil. He just wants you to use a bigger hammer to hit yourself over the head again–so you can punish yourself more for missing God! Quit that focus! Take your eyes off of that and give it all to the Lord. Believer, begin to learn how to live from the inside out! Don’t live from the outside in anymore! I’m rootin’ for ya!” With love, KF KenFletcher.org

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