Perceiving The True

By Ken Fletcher

“The way to really hear Jesus in true is to have 3 things in a box of 1 flowing in your life. Humility, Submission, Commitment or Consecration. The Box of 1, the container of the 3, is Yield. Somebody says, what? Yes, the deal is, in order to hear the true word of the Lord for us is we place what we really want to do out of the way. If not, we color what we hear. We percieve based upon our own desire for it to be our way. I have done it many times. It did not turn out too good. Because, it was not really God. Now, I will act on things He tells me. But, I have acted on things that I thought He told me too. So, what was the difference? It was in me truly placing my own will aside. Desiring only to see it His way. Hear it true. The real deal. That is what I want. He keeps me on track with His will. And, I get to enjoy being led by Him and seeing miracles. But, folks just want the results without doing the deal with all of their heart. Friend, there is no easy shortcut way here. It’s about real heart condition before the Lord. He really sees and knows. He will lead us in the true. But, we had better make sure our heart is really right before Him lest we perceive something false. If folks could see the real of God’s best for them. They would run to it. Trashing their own agendas as they ran. But, they can’t perceive it. Well, that is why I’m pecking away at this keyboard. I’m in hopes that you will examine yourself before the Lord. I wish for you that you will be able to perceive the true for you. That way, you’ll be moving into the perfect will of God for your life. And, that, my friend, is the best you can experience in this life and the life to come!” KF

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