On Our Level He Speaks

By Ken Fletcher

“Some people think that Jesus is so high that He cannot relate with us on our level here and now. I can attest to the fact that He relates with me on my level. Even though He is so far advanced in understanding about me, He comes to my level and shares with me. I think of us as adults with our little kids and grandkids. Do we talk to them on our level knowing they are not yet capable of comprehending what we are saying? Of course not. Jesus is the same way. He knows our present limited capacity here on earth. He knows where we are in our understanding. And, He communicates with us right on our level. Right what we need. Right when we need it. And, I know that it thrills Him when we grow in understanding some. It makes Him smile. No, my friend. Jesus will relate to you personally right on your level of understanding. It’s wonderful to share with Jesus everything in our lives. When we know He leads us in our lives we are confident of His blessings upon us and through us. I’m so glad He speaks to me things I can get hold of. Things I can understand. But, I’m excited to find out more in the future when I’m able to understand more. I’m so glad that Jesus really is a personal savior. He speeaks to us in our hearts peronally. He really is with us. He really is in us! We’re together now! It’s a beautiful thing we have with Jesus. It’s all because of God’s grace.” KF

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