No Disappointments

By Ken Fletcher

“Some will be disappointed when they realize all the work they have done in this life cannot be carried into the next life. Poof! Where did it all go?

Really, this life is the same life as we have when we leave. Whoever we are now inside is who we are when the body dies. Wouldn’t it be wise to do those things that we can take into the next life with us after the body dies? Like, good things for people. Love expressed. Kindnesses. Thoughtfulness. A positive word. An uplifting smile of assurance. Love and faith.

Expecting to be a blessing to others while we are here below. Because, the day is coming when we all will be leaving this present world. And, into the next life with Jesus and the Family. Wouldn’t it be good to have touched many lives in a positive way in this life, and go to the next life with these things that cannot pass away?

Things that really mean something in people’s lives. Things that came from our relationship with Jesus. I do not want to be disappointed when I leave here. I want to leave having positivly touched as many as the Lord has placed across my path.

Each day we have new opportunities to minister to people. Many of them are hurting inside. Where nobody knows but God. Lets realize we have the message of Jesus. We have His Spirit. We can pray. We can support. Show love. Believe with them. We can encourage.

What will it mean in the total of their lives? We really don’t know in this life. But, it is important! It can turn a life headed for destruction to a fulfilled blessed life. What may seem little to us may mean so much to them!

Lets be givers. Sowers. Lifters. Helpers. Encouragers. Healers. Peace makers. Kind. Inspiring. A true friend. Forgivers. Prayers. Doing these things, which are expressions of love, will surely touch lives in a positive way for Jesus. If you missed an opportunity today, tomorrow is coming with new opportunities. Lets always endeavor to be the blessing that the Lord has made us to be!” KF

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