
By Ken Fletcher

“In this present material realm, what’s really real and everlasting seems like a fantasy. The good news of Jesus that’s truth for us all, here, now, and forever, is scoffed at as false. That is, until people die. Then, all their scoffing stops cold. Then, the deception is over for them. They all see reality for themselves, then. But, then, it won’t matter. What’s done is done! That is what the devil knows!

It’s what we do with the deception now! It’s what we do with truth now! What’s really going on here on earth? Can’t you see it? Don’t you know what’s behind it all? Unprecedented amounts of lies are being believed by many millions of people on a mass scale. So many are deceived of what is behind the evil we are seeing in our day.

That’s where the devil wants to keep us. In the dark about him and his demons. You can’t miss it when you know what to look for. There are some people on earth right now who have much power and are lusting for more power over people. Their heart is not right. And, the devil uses them to further his plans for man-kind. Which is more war, devestation, and destruction. More murder, killing, poverty, and control.

If we cannot manage to get leaders who have a good heart to help the people, we will see more control in the future. What’s behind it all? It’s spiritual. The unseen realm IS the real everlasting realm. We are spirits, yet so blind to the spirit realm and what’s really behind everything!

The only way I know to see and understand reality is through Jesus. He will guide us through all the falsity of this present fallen material realm. We must have Jesus to realize where we are with God and what is really going on here on earth! If not, we WILL be deceived along with the multitude of others.

The lies keep coming–every day! All day long. Can’t you see them? Can’t you see through them? Well, when you have the truth and are in union with Jesus, you can see through some stuff. He will show you.

It’s a good feeling to know what’s on the other side of death for us who are in Christ. What is awaiting those who have rejected Jesus is an uncertain future. They don’t really know where they are with God or they have embraced a lie about Him.

What is it that you want? No worries! Everyone gets what they want in the end. An eternity apart from God, or an eternity with God through Jesus. We can stay in deception if we want. But, I don’t want that! I want to know what is real. Not lies! Don’t you?

I get so weary of being lied to all the time! If you turn on the national TV, you are going to get lied to! If you look on the internet, you are going to be lied to! All those selfish agendas telling you stuff to get you to believe something that is not true–in order to manipulate your thinking to what they want you to think! To get you to believe them and their lies!

It’s sickening! They play these propaganda messages all day and night and keep playing them until you believe it. They think if they can propagate a lies long enough and repeat them over and over, eventually, it will be accepted as true. And, I think they have proven this to work for them a lot of times.

We should be wary of all this information they are pumping into us. We must understand they are attempting to control us through our thinking!

I wonder how many people will read this and believe it? I wonder if it will wake anyone up to the reality of what is going on UNDERNEITH the lies. I hope so. I’m writing in hope tonight. That those who read this will stop and consider what I am saying! Stop believing lies! Find out the truth! Live in the truth! Seek Jesus and realize He IS the truth! Wake up!” KF

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