Know The Lord

By Ken Fletcher

“Hanging out with Jesus is the best. He is funny! He is expressive! He’s always after our best. His wisdom is ours! We can always obtain it by faith! He is always an encourager! We get the privilege to live by faith in His direction and leading!

We get to see His results of living by faith in Him! His word is everlasting! His truth endures no matter what the deceptions may be. He lives inside of me and every person who accepts Him through faith in God’s grace!

So many people do not know Him. It is such a tragedy! They do not know what they are passing up! But, I’m gonna keep telling it as long as I have breath! Jesus is good! He is love! He wants to bring to people His best! He wants to heal people. He wants to deliver people. He wants people to receive all that He paid such a dear price to obtain for us! Yes! That IS God’s will! It is today, and it is tomorrow and forever!

Hanging out with Jesus always feels good inside. He IS the Prince Of Peace! He lives inside and is blended with our souls! What a privilege it is to get to know Him. Many say they know Him, but they really don’t. Not like they should. They may be a child of God. But, that does not mean that they know Jesus as they aught to know HIm.

Much of what is going on in people is religious concepts about Jesus planted into them and their family for centuries. They only know what they have been exposed to. I am trying to get folks into real and vital contact with Jesus. First to introduce them to Him. And, second to try to help them into growth of understanding of what they have come into. And, also of who they are now with the Lord!

These are a few of the important things that the Lord has directed me to minister on. Do you really know Jesus and the reality of how things actually are with you and Him? Maybe you don’t know Him as well as you think? We all can know the Lord as much as we desire!

I want to stir you up to seek Him above all other things. Hanging out with Jesus is the best! Just to know Him. Just to hear from Him. Just to be led by Him. Oh, Lord, let it be that we all desire to perceive you clearer in our lives each day.” KF

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