Jesus Brings Reality

By Ken Fletcher

“To the regular person on the earth, there is no spirit realm. They do not perceive it at all. They see themselves as a body with a brain. To them, the material realm is all there is. They don’t even realize they are a spirit! What a terrible tragedy! To not even recognize the greater part of themselves! How many are there in perception right now as I’m writing this? So many! So, they are consumed with the natural realm through their senses. Not even understanding the reality of their own being.

Why do I write so much about this? Because people need to awaken to reality. Especially believers! Being spiritual minded is important. Understanding your make-up. Most do not. So,, they are easily deceived by the enemy among other bad things. A major part of them is being ignored. They have a longing inside. But, they don’t understand it. This is all because of the fall of man from perfection in the beginning. That is where it all changed here on earth.

Now so many years later, mankind is born into blindness as babies. We’re lied to as little kids coming up. We were not told about the way things really are from the spiritual standpoint. We were not told a lot of things that are so important. So, we grow up and live in this deception of perception our whole lives. Even believers are caught up in the deception. With too much attention on this present temporary world.

God help us! To awaken! To see the reality of things! To show Jesus to others who abide in darkness. To come into contact with Jesus brings reality to them. They will be able to perceive right because of His Word and His Spirit inside of them. Sometimes, I wish I could open up their head and pour the truth into it for them. But, that is not possible. They have a mind and will of their own. But, I believe the Lord likes to trickle feed people sometimes. A little seed here. A little seed there. A little water here. And there. And, somewhere down the road in their lives. Poof! It springs up! And, it all comes together for them. And, they understand and receive Jesus.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I am realizing that this one on one witnessing to people we are around each day is the real thing. It’s what we should be about. To the ones in the darkness of perception, what we have to give them is more important than everything! But, since they cannot receive it as they should, we must be consistent every day for their sake. They must know Jesus! Let’s find a way to introduce them!” KF

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