I Wish

By Ken Fletcher

“What a sad thing I see every day. People who do not know Jesus. Knowing Him as I have–and He just gets better and better–I just wish everyone could know Him. And, also the Father, of course.

People have such wrong concepts about God. Taught wrong or perceive wrong about God. Seeing Him as being upset with them in some way. Or even angry at them. Listen, how could He extend the invitation into His family to everyone if He was angry at them? He isn’t! All of that stuff about Him is garbage!

He has poured all of His condemnation upon Jesus. He did it so that we all could enter into His grace by faith! Those who receive the free gift of God through Jesus now share in His very own life! I wish everyone could understand. People are missing out on so much!

I pray that something I have said or done helps people to know Jesus. The real Jesus! Not the one religion portrays. But the real man, who is the real God, Jesus, Yeshua, God’s Son, who was slain to redeem us! Who rose again in new life by God’s power! That Jesus! Who lives in me and in every believer through the Holy Spirit!

I desire so much that people would experience the joy of our union with Jesus. How different things would become for them. I remember when I received Jesus so many years ago. I could sense that I passed from death unto life. I did not understand very much at the time. But, I knew that I was no longer the same as before.

So much could change for people if only they would open their hearts to the Lord. Peace is there! Joy is there! Wisdom, and on and on we could go about the many wonderful things we have because of Jesus.

We love the people. And, because of that, we want the best for them. And, I can think of no better thing for any person than to receive Jesus for themselves. That is the best. Because, everything else can be adjusted with His help in each person. When they have Jesus, they will never be alone again. I wish everyone could know Jesus. Don’t you?” KF KenFletcher.org

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