Healing Is For All

By Ken Fletcher

“Faith in Jesus and His Word will heal your body! How do I know? Like millions of others, I have been healed by faith in His Word. I believed and received. What I have done in my life, anyone can do. It’s not just for some. It’s for all. What’s keeping folks away from it? Unbelief. Unbelief of God’s Word. People really don’t believe it’s true. People really don’t believe that Jesus did what the Bible says He did. Well, it’s too late for me. I know it’s true. I’ve proven it for myself. You should too! Don’t go by what someone else says about the Word. Go find out for yourself what is true. Did He really say it in the Word or not? Because, that is where you must place your faith upon. Otherwise, you’re just wishing. Nothing solid to base your believing on. You see? Most times, I purposely do not list scriptures on these posts for a reason. I want you to get curious and look them up for yourself. Why should I spoon feed you? No. The best way for you to find out and be convinced of the truth is to study for YOURSELF. Lazy folk want you to spoon feed them. Well, with them, it will probably go in one ear and out the other. Real faith comes when you’re diligent in study and meditation in the truth of the scriptures. Then, revelation can come. Most do not want to pay the price of their time and effort. But, instead want a microwave instant healing manifestation. But, even a microwave must be plugged in to the power source! You want the Lord’s healing? Why don’t you find out what He did for you? Why don’t you meditate on it until it’s so solid in you that nothing can drive it out? Why don’t you focus on God’s will for you? Then, learn to implement it into your body! You can do it if you change your focus and priorities. Yep! You can! Will you?” KF

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