By Ken Fletcher

“He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.”   Psalm 107:20

Is it possible for one to be healed physically simply through faith in the Word of God? Can people really be healed without anyone else praying, laying hands, or anointing them with oil? I am so happy to tell you that the answer is YES!

Please do not misunderstand me. Having others pray with the laying on of hands and anointing with oil are valid Biblical methods through which people can receive divine healing. God does heal people through the prayer and faith of others and through the gifts of the Spirit. But, what will you do if you are in a situation where there is no one else around that can pray for you? In this article, I am moved to talk to you about receiving your healing through your own faith in God’s Word.

Now in the scripture above, it says: “He (God) sent his word and healed them…”. This verse declares that there is healing power in God’s Word and that He sent His Word to heal our bodies.

In Exodus 15:26, God announces to His covenant people, “…I am the Lord that healeth thee.” And, also in Exodus 23:25, “…I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.” How did the people know that God would heal their bodies? Because He sent His healing Word to them through His servant Moses. God made sure they knew that physical healing was an important part of His covenant with them.

“He sent his word and healed…” Jesus is the Word of God incarnate. John 1: 1 says: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” In verse 14 of the same chapter, it says: “And the word was made flesh…”.

Now, I want you to notice in Hebrews chapter 4 how Jesus shows us that He and His Word are one. In verse 12 He says: “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Traditionally, we have thought about this verse in connection with the written Word of God. It is, of course, speaking about the written Word. But, it is much more.

Please notice, as we read on in Hebrews 4:13: “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight:…” Whose sight? The Word’s sight! Verse 13 is a continuation of, and is referring to, verse 12 which is talking about the Word. Praise God! Can you see how that verse 13 is referring back to verse 12 as Jesus being the living Word of God? God and His Word are one. Praise His Name! “He sent his word…”

I have written this about Hebrews 4:12 & 13 because I want you to see that when you place your faith in the written Word of God, you are actually placing your faith in the living Word of God! Yes, God sent His spoken Word, but, He did not stop there. He sent His living Word to demonstrate the authenticity, power, and authority of His spoken Word. Hallelujah!

What did the living Word (Jesus) do while on earth? He acted out the will of God for mankind. His life was the very picture of the Father’s will toward all men for all time. The Bible says that He went about teaching, preaching and healing. Reading through the gospels, you can see Jesus healing and lifting humanity everywhere He went. Acts 10:38 says that Jesus (the Word) “…went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.”.

Has Jesus (the Word) changed since Exodus 15 and the gospels? No! It is not possible! Hebrews 13:8 declares “Jesus Christ (the Word) the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” The same Word that healed the people of God in the Old Covenant – the same Word that healed those recorded in the gospels, Acts and in the epistles, will heal you today! “He sent his word and healed them…”

God has forever settled the question: “Is it God’s will to heal me?”. My friend, it is just as much God’s will for you to be healed as it is for you to be born again. Take the time to study in the great redemptive chapter, Isaiah 53. See how the Word (Jesus) took the punishment necessary to secure your healing as well as your salvation. Look at Matthew 8:17: “…himself took (or carried away) our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.” This scripture is directly referring to Jesus as being the fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 53:4 which described the Great Substitute who was to come.

Now, please notice 1 Peter 2: 24, which looks back at the completed work at the cross. Speaking about “the Word”, it says: “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”. In God’s mind, you are already healed. Oh yes, thanks be unto God, the price to secure your healing has already been paid! Jesus has perfectly fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah chapter 53 and paid for your healing in full. Bless His Name!

Notice that, again in 1 Peter 2: 24, healing is also mentioned in connection with redemption. God has already dealt with the sin and sickness problem. You have been saved – redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and, you have been healed by that same blood! Hallelujah!

Some try to determine God’s will from their own human experiences. Many have erred in their thinking by reasoning out why someone has not gotten healed. Perhaps they have decided that since the person did not receive divine healing, it must not have been God’s will for them to be healed. It sounds logical. But, it is not true! No friend, nothing could be further from the truth.

If one could say that it is not God’s will to heal everyone, then one must also say that it is not God’s will to save everyone since both benefits were paid for at the same sacrifice. No. Thank God, it IS His will to save everyone AND heal everyone too! How do we know? We have firm and unshakable confidence because of the Old Covenant, the prophecies, the life of Jesus, and of the sacrifice of our Savior at the cross. “He sent his word…” that saved, healed, and delivered us from all our destructions. Praise His Name forever!

Your faith, your believing, in the truth of God’s Word, will bring healing your body! In the gospel accounts of the ministry of Jesus, most of the healings recorded involved the recipient’s faith. The Bible said in Jesus’ home town, Nazareth, He could there do no mighty work except for healing a few people with minor ailments. Why? Because of the people’s unbelief! Their unbelief hindered the will of God for them. And so it is today. Many fail to receive healing for their body simply because of wrong thinking and believing along these lines. That is why it is so important for the truth to be taught.

Regardless of what others may do, you can believe God’s Word for yourself. You can receive, by yourself, what you need from God. It is so simple. Just as the faith of the repentant sinner brings God’s saving power to him, so the faith of the sick will bring God’s healing power to him. Praise God! It is the same blood and the same power that causes both redemption and healing to manifest in our lives. Hallelujah! You can be born again through your faith in God’s everlasting Word. You can be healed and made whole through your faith in God’s Word!

God has sent His Word and healed us! It is an absolute fact. The question is, what will WE do with what God has done? He has already settled the question about His part in your healing. Now, it is your part that remains. My dear friend, it is time to get rid of the things that may be hindering you from receiving your healing from God. Begin today renewing your mind with the anointed and powerful healing Word of God. Meditate on the truth of God’s Word. Then, you will be placing yourself in position to receive your healing from God.

Dear friend, It is my sincere desire that you will receive what is yours today. The Lord Jesus has paid such a terrible price–shedding His blood at the whipping post in order to secure your healing.

Physical healing is for today–in this present world. There will be no need for healing for our bodies when we leave this world. Healing is for NOW! Jesus paid for it so you can have it. Receive from Him the free gift of healing.

I encourage you to study and meditate on this truth in the Word of God until you are FULLY persuaded. Look up the verses I have given you in your own Bible. Spend time with them. Place them in your heart. Faith to receive your healing will come to you. Bless you! KF

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