God’s Word Applied

By Ken Fletcher

“What is your basis of truth? There are truths that I have received from spending time in the Bible, by studying and meditating in it, that stay with me. I have stood on them in faith. I received something from God that I could stand on.

These truths are what I believe. And, I know that they are true. And, when I believe and act on the truth of them, they always work. They work because they are God’s Word. If they are not working, then, it’s me that needs adjusting somehow. And, when I get things adjusted, they work. Every time!

I think people are trying to get the Word to work for them without putting in the study and meditation needed. Well, if they don’t, it’s not going to get into them what is really necessary. Faith comes by hearing and hearing. Over and over until the truth of the Word is in there so good and solid that nothing can drive it out.

Then, you have belief in the basis for truth. You have something to stand on and believe! It’s from that foundation of truth that you and I can be certain of the outcome of our faith. If we don’t quit and give up.

So many people believe other things than what the Word says. But, I have found that when I stand on the Word in faith, not vasceillating, but solid and unmovable, I always get the results I am believing for. If I don’t receive, it’s not God’s fault. I need to get wisdom from Jesus in order to make the corrections so I can receive!

And, He will give us His wisdom so we can see what is going on! Why the short circuit? Where the breakdown in our faith is. He will show us. So, we can get it fixed and receive! Praise God! How good Jesus is to us!

Our faith in God’s Word is actually faith from God’s Word being applied. When we do it because we really believe it, through and through, then we know we have it’s results in our lives.” KF KenFletcher.org

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