Are You Paying Attention?

By Ken Fletcher

“It’s amazing to me at some of the things people consider important. Spending much time and money on things that in the final analysis means nothing. Yet, all of their focus seems to be on it. What does it all mean? It means there is deception working in them. They just flat don’t look through it to see what it IS in actuality. A certain blindness. And, it’s everywhere here in the matrix. As long as you’re busy doing stuff that doesn’t matter, the devil is glad. Because, as long as he keeps you distracted with other stuff, you’re not going to do any damage to his kingdom. So, he doesn’t care. He knows he can hit you anytime because YOU”RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION to what is real and eternal. Why? Because your focus is all screwed up! That’s why! Even some good things can become bad when our priorities are out of whack. Get things lined up in your life, brother and sister. Make this thing count that we’re doing down here! Don’t look back later with regrets of wasted time and effort that cannot be redone. As my Dad used to tell me often, endeavor to always do it right the first time. Take the time to look it all over and make sure it’s right before you go forward. Don’t be a person of regret. But, be a builder of the Kingdom. A lover of people. A giver. A blesser. A person to be reconned with. One who is moving in the plan of God. Don’t be a waster of the good time that’s in your possession anymore. Look over your life. Make sure your motivations are right before the Lord. What are you really all about? Humm? What YOU want to do, or what Jesus wants to do? Well, I have found out that what Jesus wants to do is what I want to do by far. So, there is no conflict of interest between us. I have found that everything He wants me to do is already built in to me. It’s really what I want to do because He created it in me. You too! You should find out what He wants you to do in every situation because He has made you to live in that. If you have a good desire in your heart, it did not just happen to be there. It was put in there by God. So, follow after His leading on those things. You will find yourself moving through life in His will and the most blessed way to live! So, look it all over, friend. What are you really about? Don’t be one who goes through life and yet never realizing all what Jesus has for you in His plan. Get busy on the real of things, dear one! Be about what matters! Help change someone’s life! Ask yourself. What really IS important to me? Do I need to make some adjustments?” KF

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