A Matter Of Trust

By Ken Fletcher

“Believers! When we are self willed–wanting things our way, we settle for less than God’s great will for us! His ways are always best for us personally. But, even though His will is better, many times, we are not willing to wait for His timing for us. So, we jump the gun–get ahead of Him, and miss His best for us.

We sacrifice our better future ahead for the one we may see for ourselves now! Our will is the primary part of our soul. We are God’s sons created in Christ. Our will is our own and always will be. Will we settle for something not so good? It’s up to us.

It’s a matter of trust. Do we trust that there is better for us God’s way? Many do not. And, they don’t trust Him. It’s because they don’t know Him. Maybe they know He is good to someone else. But, not convinced He is for themselves.

There is condemnation present in their perceptions. Which blocks them from knowing how things really are. What we’re talking about here is a level of faith in Jesus. Do we believe Him in spite of what we perceive naturally? Are we convinced? If we’re not, we will just go our own directions–making choices apart from what He wants to do in and through us.

These choices can lead us in directions away from His best for us. We can end up settling for something substandard. Not up to par. Which will certainly lead us into dissatisfaction in life. We’re not going to be so happy with the results later.

When we are doing things in accordance with what Jesus wants, we are completely satisfied inside. He leads us into what will satisfy our hearts. He really knows. Do we trust Him? Do we know what He wants to do in any given situation? Are we on board with His plan?

It’s a good thing to find out the truth about it. And, whatever time it takes to seek Jesus about things is time well spent. How can we be sure we are hearing Him right. Our heart condition is what determines whether or not we are going to get a clear, uncolored, unbiased direction from the Lord.

Do we really want it His way? Or do we just want Jesus to bless what we choose? Well, we really can’t have it both ways. If we want it our way as we approach Him, He will let us have it our way. But, we may be trading in what He had for us because we want it our way!

We may never know what He had planned.–How much better it would have been. But, we had to have it our way! And, so it is. I have been there many times in the past. There were lots of things I settled for. I wonder what I missed? Don’t you wonder what you may have missed? Doing things in our own will apart from what God wanted for us?

Well, we’ve all missed it some, haven’t we! Thank God for His grace and kindness to us even though we did not realize His best back then. But, going forward, why can’t we wise up and really want things Jesus’ way to begin with? Well, it’s a personal decision before God what you and I do. One thing is for sure. We have a will of our own to do what we want. The question is for us individually, have we truly given all our will to Jesus to do His will in this life?” KF KenFletcher.org

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