By Ken Fletcher

“I see folks going to church to receive something from God.

That’s good. I’m sure they are glad they went. But then, they fall right back into a life style of unbelief. What has been accomplished? Very little in the final analysis.

What has to change? A total focus change! That’s what! A decision to turn away from futile stuff into focusing on what really matters. They CAN see amazing results IF they place themselves into God’s plan for them. Will they actually do it? Depends on their heart–What they want.

Their WILL determines it all. God sees it all inside. Listen, many folks are just playing games with God. They want to go to church to feel better about the fact that they went to church. They’ve got that out of the way, now they can get back to the stuff they want to do.

Amazing! But, that is where some folks really are in life! It’s pretty messed up. It’s blindness of understanding. The devil does not care if you go to church. Devils like a lot of churches. They are comfortable there. They know it’s all a game to some people. They don’t care what you do as long as you don’t find out who you are in Christ.

Most churches don’t put the truth into people. So, the devil is good with that. So then, what’s the big deal about the church service? Does it just make you feel better for a little while? Or is it challenging you and empowering you to know how to actually live in faith and victory all week long. Are you really just playing games with Jesus? Well, He’s not playing. So, it’s really just you playing games with yourself!” KF

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