You’re Already There

By Ken Fletcher

“Religion says do this and that and you’ll get into good graces with God. Focusing on doing this and that won’t bring you reality! You find out what God has already done through Christ in you. You discover who you really are! No more trying to get right with Him–Focusing on doing this and that. Listen friend, you ARE! You’re created that way! You’re already there! You may not realize it in your understanding yet, but if you’re in Christ, you are already there! You just discover where you are now with God. When you do, the more you see and understand, the do’s and don’ts, sort of, just drop to the way side without a lot of hoopla. Because you are living from the inside out. Just being WHO you are in the Lord. Flowing with Him. Living in faith. Just doing what He says inside everyday. With Him, there is no condemnation. You are free before God! Big difference from the focus on the do’s and don’ts!” KF

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