Your Time & Focus

By Ken Fletcher

“Believers. Since faith is of the heart (soul), how can we saturate ourselves with natural, fallen realm, sinful world, garbage input all day and night without severely damaging our faith? Well, it’s not possible! Your focus on other things besides who you are with Jesus erodes your perceptions.

You essentially become like the world. Dulling your self image of you and Jesus. Receiving their input all the time about who you are! They want to tell you who you are! We are not like the world. And, we never will be because of our new birth into Christ! Yet, we’ll spend hours after hours of watching the news, movies, games, TV shows, and these days, the internet and social media, etc.

Yes, we’re in this world. But why are we still here, believers? It’s for them! We are Jesus’ witnesses on the earth now. We are His body. His ambassadors! From heaven! Our focus should be on why we are here, dear ones! Truthfully, there is no reason we should stay on the earth after our conversion except for them! To bring the message of Jesus to them! That is why we are still here, friends!

So, with that in mind, we should be more careful about what we allow into our souls. How much of it is okay and not okay? The evangelist and great man of faith, Smith Wigglesworth, understood this and he would not allow worldly materials in his home. Seems kind of radical, doesn’t it? Young evangelist, Lester Sumrall, went to visit brother Smith. Lester rang the door and had a newspaper under his arm. Smith would not let him enter his house until he got rid of the newspaper first. Which brother Lester did, of course.

But, notice, the great anointing and power that would manifest miracles in Wigglesworth’s life and meetings. Smith was a man of focus! Focus on the Spirit, focus on the Word, and focus on Jesus inside of him. It is evident that the correlation between strong faith with attention focused on the Word and limiting our attention on this present world is related.

How much time should you spend attending to other things besides Jesus? Well, that is a very personal matter between you and Him. Don’t you think? So, why don’t you ask Jesus if He is pleased with what you’re doing? How much time you’re spending with attention to the fallen realm stuff? How much time you’re spending with Him and the Word?

When it comes time to believe God for something, will our faith be in good enough shape to accomplish what is needed in our lives? It may come down to how much time you are spending with your focus elsewhere instead of on the Word and the Lord inside.

The good news is, we can change when we see we are off somewhere. When Jesus shows us to make a correction, that is good news for us! We get to see the way we can experience more of Him. So, if He shows you that you’re spending too much of your time with your attention on this temporary fallen realm, then what He has for you is something far, far better! You can count on that!

For instance, I think being physically healed of something is far better than suffering with something while my attention is on the news of the day. What about getting in the Word of healing and faith inside? Why not get healed instead? And, not just healing but lots of other things too. The benefits of keeping our focus on Jesus are endless!

We get to focus on Him and the things of the spirit! The world is flat deceived of the reality of what is going on down here! It’s like the 1999 Matrix movie example Jesus gave us as a modern day parable. People are really in those places of complete deception. Oblivious to the truth of Jesus.

And yet, they want to tell us how to think everyday on the TV, radio, internet. They want to do our thinking for us!

Well, I know what is going on now because Jesus showed me. Why? Because I spent some time with Him. He’ll show you too! This and more! If you will devote your focus upon Him and keep it there! What really are the benefits of what I’m talking about here?

Well, I can tell you this. People are trading in eternal stuff for temporary stuff with their time on earth! Now, that is what is happening in many believers. Saved they are! Yes! Very! Going to heaven? Yep! Just like everyone who receive Jesus. But, missing out on so much that Jesus wants to do in His will with them.

What He has is much, much better! And, it’s eternal! It will never pass away! Reserved for us at home in our Kingdom with the Lord! We’ll pick it up later!

It’s about our attention, brothers and sisters! What are we focusing on? What are we really doing? We need revelation within ourselves to really understand what is going on with us.

I’m encouraging you tonight. I’m challenging you tonight. If you are Christ’s, you are joined and fused with Jesus and the Father! Now, anything is possible with you. Open your mind to the possibilities that are before you! Realize the truth of who you are now in Jesus!

Well, if you do, you will have to take some of that attention and time that you have been spending on worthless stuff. And put your focus on the Lord and what He wants to do. If you can place your will into His will.– Where there’s not 2 wills, but 1.

If you will do this, then you will find the desire for other stuff sort of falls off the wayside somewhere. What can compare with Jesus? Nothing! That’s what! Yet, many believers choose to focus on temporary fallen realm crap! Because they are spending so much time on earth with their attention on it! So, with their time on earth, much of it gets wasted. What a tragedy!

If we don’t get this right, believers, we will realize the full impact later when we get home. So, what do you say? Lets examine things and see before the Lord what really is going on with us! We’ll be glad we did–and so will Jesus!” KF

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