You Are Much More

By Ken Fletcher

“How great is this union we have with God? Greater than our concept in this present time. But, the unlimited nature of who we are in covenant with changes everything. Our perception and understanding must grow before we can move into the real of things with us and Jesus. Inside, we have the risen Lord. All that He is, He is to us. We are one with Him. Fused with Him. Permeated with Hs life. Filled with His power. That is who we are! Do we understad it? Well, Jesus is revealing it to who ever is seeking Him. He is much more than what your concept of Him is. Here is a powerful truth, YOU are much more than your concept of yourself! It’s because of Him. Us and Him! Us with Him! Him IN us! Father IN us! That’s what we’ve got! Now! What does that mean to us in this life. It means that nothing is impossible to you. Because, nothing is impossible to our God. Who lives inside of our soul. The more I think and dwell on this in my heart, the more amazed I am at it all. That God would bring us up to this level WITH Him. Seated WITH Him. In union WITH Him. Unlimited WITH Him! Because of Jesus and our union with Him. How vast is it really? How deep do you want to go with Jesus. How much can you comprehend at where you are in your level of understanding? Well, I can tell you this, no matter where you are in your faith level or your level of understanding with the Lord, you have not understood that much yet. There is much, much more. It’s wider than wide. And, deeper than deep. Greater than great. More abundant than we can perceive. It’s God we’re talking about here. That is what we have going on within our souls! And, believer, aren’t you glad you have Him?” KF

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