Wonder Of Wonders

By Ken Fletcher

“Every day, more darkness and evil is exposed. It goes far deeper than we knew before. But, the light shines brighter. In the light of the truth of Jesus dwelling in us believers, we can truly perceive the darkness.

What is behind the facade? Sometimes, all it is is what has only been hidden before. But, was there all the time. We just could not perceive it in the natural. We were deceived into thinking something different than what really was in truth.

We should be truth seekers. Not easily persuaded by partial truths. Or fooled by the agenda of evil and manipulating people. At times, it seems like the darkness is winning. But, the truth of Jesus remains no matter what things seem like here on earth.

I believe God! I am in Christ! I am His! Whatever that means in this life for me, then it is what it is. I identify with Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The One who was murdered and rose from the dead! Who is alive right now! Who lives in me!

So, no matter how dark it gets on earth for us believers, we have Jesus! He’s the light of the world. The precious powerful Holy Spirit actually dwells in our souls. We can do whatever He says we can do. We are to be led by Him in our life here on earth.

I have said many times that what we are seeing in our day is very similar to the 1999 Hollywood movie, the Matrix. The Lord gave it to us as a visual aide–a modern day parable of what things are really like on earth now!

People are believing things that are partial truths. Twisted a certain way. To manipulate their minds. Control the way that they see things. Influence. Propaganda. All the time. Every day. Everywhere.

Indoctrinating our children and grandchildren into evil. Confusing their pliable minds to the truth. Our universities are generally corrupt with slanted views pressured upon the students. Something must change to ensure freedom for all our citizens. Otherwise we will see further evil and darkness proceeding.

The world desperately needs Jesus. And, they don’t know it. Or they don’t want Him at all. Either way, they are greatly deceived about their need for Jesus. He came to make a way for us to God. When before, there was no way!

Through His blood and faith in His sacrifice we are made right with God. Wonder of wonders! God shed His own blood in order to bring us into right relationship with Him forever. This is truth! No matter what the darkness is, the light and truth is greater. The truth neutralizes the darkness and exposes it. Eternal truth is found in Jesus. Receive Jesus and His eternal life! No matter where you may find yourself today, with a true heart, receive Jesus now.” KF KenFletcher.org

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