With Him Like That Also

By Ken Fletcher

“Men may look at your life and say you are out of God’s will. Why? Because of their religious indoctrination. From other men. Who may or may not be seeing things right. From a system of thought. A fragment of the total body of Christ. Saying inside of themselves, because you are not doing things like they believe you should, you are off. Out of God’s will for you. That you aren’t believing or seeing it right. Because you are not right before Jesus!

Well, we love them. Yes we do. And because we do, their influence affects us. Do they REALLY know where you or I are with the Lord? No. They do not. There is One who knows the truth about you and I! God! If we are exposing ourselves to Jesus everyday and in every way, He will let us know if we should or should not be doing something in life. He is the One who knows if we are heading in the wrong direction of belief.

I think many of these religious folk really believe they are being led by His Spirit on stuff. When, in actuality, they are being led by indoctrination of belief derived from a certain mindset called religion. It manifests in various forms. All of them showing you that their view is the right view. That they know what you’re doing is not right. And, if you do it their way, you’re good with God and with them and with their system of belief. Which, they are consumed with–thinking it’s God. And, if you’re not doing it their way, from their perspective of scripture, you are obviously out of God’s will and believing lies and deception.

Well, I have determined that I am going to live before Jesus every day all day long. I have decided to do things His way in my life–even in the small things. I want His perfect will for my life! Who determines that? Humm…? Well, it’s not them! And not me! And not you! Jesus determines when we are in His perfect will! How will we know? By what the other people we love are saying to us? Of course not.

We look to Jesus Himself! Right down inside our heart! He is the One who determines whether or not we are living in His will. He is the ONLY one who knows what things are really like down inside of you! He sees all the motives. All the indoctrination. All the misunderstandings. All the wrong teachings. All the religion! All the falseness! He sees it in us and knows!

When I am in doubt I’m heading in the right direction, I go to Him personally. I want to know what is HIS WAY not my own. There, I find His will. How He sees me. Who I really am before Him. Where things are really at with He and I.

Well, I hope you are there with Him too like that. Because there are many voices in this world that will lead you into their concept of living for Jesus. If your heart is pure towards Him, you will see the truth from Him. You will know what they are trying to do. Sometimes unconsciously, They’re trying to fit you into a box of thought that they are in. They do not really know YOUR relationship with Jesus. No. They like to think that they do. But, for me. there is no way I can know another’s intimate relationship with Jesus. Only them and the Lord know it. So, we can’t look inside of their heart to see really where they are coming from on things.

Many times, they are only operating in the truth they have received from someone else. Thank God for those who minister the truth to us. I am in agreement with the truth. Because, I am in agreement with Jesus! So, if what they are giving me is truth, without religious overtones, I am good with that. I’m listening! But, if it’s got that slant. That control slant. That mixture of grace and works, I hit the eject button!

You can do as you wish. But, I present everything to the Lord. You should too. He will guide you into the truth of your relationship with Him. I realize that the enemy can get in there and lead us astray from the will of God for us. But, the devil does not live in my heart. And, I present everything to the Lord inside of me.

He is my guide. I AM staying with HIM, and what He wants for me to do in this life the rest of my days. He leads me in His perfect will for me. That’s what I’m doing! So, I hope you are there with Him like that also.

Can a person who has been religiously taught and brought up see things correctly in YOUR life. I think not. It is going to be colored to the color of their indoctrination. Whatever that is. Is it right? Well, some things are and some things aren’t! That’s the problem. It’s all mixed in there together so you don’t recognize the false with the true. But, thank God, we have the Holy Spirit who leads us into ALL truth. And, all what we should be doing through the day.

I love the religious folk–all the church folk–no matter what they have been taught. But, I only go to Jesus now. I listen to some ministers who are staying with the truth of the Word. But, some, I stay away from. You simply need to hear from Jesus about who you listen to. It really matters. Because, they can lead you astray from His best for you. They don’t realize it because it’s all they know about Him. But they do not know YOU and your relationship with Jesus. They don’t! They can’t!

So, we listen to them with discerning ears. Where is it coming from? What they are saying to us? What is behind it? Where will it take us? Is the enemy involved with it somehow? Is falseness?

I am appreciative to anyone who sincerely wants to help. Aren’t you? But, are THEY seeing things right? That is the question. And, even if they are, is it right for you and Jesus in your life? The blend that you are with Him? Well, that is what you must determine inside of yourself before Him. No other can know those things.

No matter what they may say, there is judgementalism that is going on coming from them. They don’t realize it. But, there is! So, here’s the deal. We have to live in front of Jesus with a teachable and changeable heart. A heart seeking truth. A heart that WANTS His will more than anything else in life.

He WILL guide you into what is right for you and me. I am so glad that He does! And, so, put to silence the agendas and manipulations of others who really do not know the relationship that you have with Him.

Personally, I am thankful for all the wonderful leadership God has put me under in my life. He has done extraordinary things in my life. He has brought me into His truth and light. But, I will stand before Him in that day. As you will too.–Where the truth of it all is there before Him. What will he say then? It will be the same as what He is saying to you now in your heart! That is the way to live. In truth before Jesus. Everyday!

Then, we know when falseness comes our way and tries to lead us in another way than His. The Lord’s way is the only way I want in my life. If others do not understand my way before Him, it is not my fault. I’m going to do things His way! Period. Friends, we cannot perform to the dictates of another man. We should be linked and locked in with Jesus. Don’t know about you, but I have decided to do things His way the rest of my life down here. I hope you are there with Him like that also.” With love, KF KenFletcher.org

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