Win Win Situation

By Ken Fletcher

“I’m so glad that Jesus is leading the way. Sometimes, just waiting one day in faith at His word, I can see how everything changed. And, how He knew the day before how it would be the next day, and I didn’t.

So, once again, it is wonderful to hear from the Lord about things in life. I just want to hear from Him clearer and more precise about more things. It is easy to presume and step forward on things without consulting Him on what we should do.

But, it reaps rich rewards to go to Him for His wisdom on things. Because, He already knows what is coming and what is best for you. It is always so good for us to choose His choice in the matter. He sees it all. We see and understand partially. We can trust in His sight and wisdom in anything.

The amazing thing is that Jesus and the Father really do want to be involved with us in everything touching our life. They want to share with you and help you come into Their best for you! But, we really do limit the Lord so many times. And, because of that, we miss out on a lot of really good things.

If we could wise up and be more aware of the presence of Jesus within us, and live with this awareness all day, we can include Him in more things. It really comes down to a matter of trust. How much do we really trust Him? With what?

Well, we are all on an individual journey with Jesus. What is great for you is not so good for me, and so forth, and visa versa. If we will live before Him submitted and committed, we know we are true before Him. And, we know we will hear true from Him. That is the place we are striving for each day.

To know that Jesus has it all makes all the difference. When He truly has Lordship over our lives, things change. Good things are coming. We get to see miracles from Father. And, stand in awe at Him. How He did it. So amazing! We should be living in faith each day.

I’m not just ministering to you, I’m talking to myself here too! More of Him! And what He wants. Because we really do believe His wants for us are much better than our wants for ourselves. And, they really are! But, most folks don’t believe that. So, they just go with what they want.

I’m trying to get people to understand that our union with Jesus is a win win situation! All positive! No negatives! He is all for us and not against us! When will we really believe that about Jesus? If we will, then we can find out just how good He really is.

How deep is His goodness? Well, by His grace we are going to find out! Do you believe it like me? That, for us, with Jesus, there is much more in 2024!” KF

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