Why Miss Out

By Ken Fletcher

“Why aren’t believers hearing from the Lord on things? They don’t want to.! They want to hear what they want. They want Jesus to agree with their plan. Instead of the other way around.

Well, He may or may not agree with what you are doing. But, He is still going to do for you the best He can. Even though you are out of whack. He loves you the same either way.

But, having Jesus lead you in this life is a great privilege. To get to find out what He has for us. It’s so much better. I have seen some of what it means to be in His will. I’m not saying I have arrived or attained. It is a journey involving growth. But, I’ve seen enough that I can recommend His leading to anyone. It really is the best for you and I.

Why miss out on seeing miracles? Just to get our own way? No. Let’s go for the real lasting eternal and best temporary things that Jesus has in mind for us. Now, that’s the way to live! In faith of what Jesus says!” KF KenFletcher.org

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