Whoever Calls

By Ken Fletcher

“You are in eternity now. Yet, you’re here on earth. You are the real person inside of your natural body. You live in 2 realms simultaneously. Whether you know Jesus or not, your primary part is your soul along with your spirit body. Which we all have and are.

Your spirit is in eternity now. Most are not aware of it at all. Their not aware of the spirit realm and what is really going on here. So, those who are not aware are easily duped into believing a false reality. This is where most people live. In deception to the truth.

If they could see the reality of things here, they would understand the working of God’s angels and also the working of the demons under satan’s control. They would be aware of the reality of light against darkness. Truth against lies. They would see and understand reality!

They would also see and understand the plans and purposes of the enemy. But, unfortunately, without Jesus, even the spiritually aware are in deception in some way. The deception is that we as people do not need Jesus. In believing this, it means they do not know and understand their fallen condition and separation from God.

They believe they are okay. And everything will turn out okay. When, they are not in God’s family! What happens to them? Well, they just stay in their present family of Adam. Listen friend, you are either in the fallen separated family of Adam, or you are a new creation in Christ in the family of God.

So, in essence, spiritually, there are only 2 families on the earth. The fallen family and the redeemed family. This is according to the Bible. I believe the Bible. Many do not. But, even if they do not believe it is true, eventually they will find out that it is true. Regardless of what they believed before.

God is the one who gives us reality. He is the one who says we must receive Jesus and His eternal life! All are welcome in God’s Kingdom. Through faith in God’s grace in Jesus, we can obtain His free gift of eternal life and become one with Him!

Dear friend, please analyze your heart to see what family you are in right now. If you have not done so, receive Jesus by faith. Believing that He died as your substitute to make you right with a Holy God! Receive eternal life through Jesus our Lord now! Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved and lifted out of the fallen race into God’s very own family.

You can have a wonderful close relationship with God. He has opened it up to everyone who believes. So, if you are not sure where you are with God, this is the best time to make sure. It IS the most important thing! That you know where you are with Jesus! Knowing Jesus means everlasting life in the Kingdom with God! Receive Him and His life!” KF KenFletcher.org

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