Who Knows?

By Ken Fletcher

“In our day, unbelief in the Bible is where many people are. They do not believe in the Bible account of creation. They do not believe that mankind is in a sinful fallen state that needs redeeming.

Many hold to strange beliefs. Looking at the created material universe as their connection. They have come up with all kinds of different truths. Some of the things they trust in are really true. But, those truths are wrapped up in deception from a false foundation of thought.

I believe the Bible is true. I have proved it so in my life. I know. So, even though it is dark in some places, I have the light in me. My life is planted on the Rock of Ages. I do not wonder what is true. What they say or what the Bible says? No. I know what is true.

Now, unfortunately, they think the same thing. But, have they not heard? In this country, they have heard by some means. But, for many, the Bible is all rejected as untrue.

I have had the privilege to be raised in a home that loved Jesus. I was raised right with love. I had the privilege to go to a wonderful Bible Collage and graduate. I also have seen much personally to God’s faithfulness and the validity of God’s Word, the Bible.

Is it really so? Yes! Are people really in a lost condition on earth? Yes! Is Jesus really God’s Son? Yes! Did He really come to rescue us from death? Yes. Did He really bring us eternal life from God? Yes! Can we really be one with God through faith in Jesus! Yes! I believe it all!

I am sad that many people do not understand. I wish that I could dump out into their minds some of the things I have learned as truth in my life. But, I can’t. Except what I’ve been doing here, my website, and on the video and audio ministries. That is what I’m led to do.

I hope there are some who are understanding what I have been doing. My heart goes out to these many people who have not heard what I have heard. Or understood what I have been privileged to understand. Even though there are many believers who have a close relationship with Jesus, there are not near enough!

I pray all the time to the Lord to make me more effective in our Kingdom work. I know that I can’t reach everyone I would like, but I am committed to reaching some! I love people! Jesus loves people! Us together are connecting to some who will listen.

What can we do about this unbelief that is all around us? We can be who we are! The ones full of light. The ones who have Jesus walking around in them all day and night. That’s us! And, they will see! And, the Holy Spirit knows their thoughts. And, He will bring them to reality about themselves and God.

Maybe we will get an opportunity to speak to them about Jesus. No matter what they may believe, they cannot argue about what Jesus has done for you and for me. Because we were there! We can speak from first hand experience what Jesus has done for us! Do we? Will we? Are we looking for the open doors?

I think it is important to not wear folks out with our faith. Let’s have good taste. Just a little seed here, a little seed there. A little water here and there. Who knows what the Lord can do in them? Maybe something soon will come along their life to make them think. And, those seeds pop open in their heart. And, bam! They come to fruition! So, let’s never be discouraged if we don’t see any change in folks. There may be activity going on under the surface!

Let’s be patient. Let’s continue to plant and water and just be ourselves with the Lord! Who knows what God will do in their lives?” KF KenFletcher.org

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