What’s To Fear?

By Ken Fletcher

“There’s so much fear in the world. And, it tries to get on us. All the time! I can’t stand it! We’re not supposed to fear anything! Why would we? We’ve got Jesus! The whole physical universe could pass away and we would still be good! What’s to fear? Really!

What is death to us? Nothing! It’s only a transfer out of this fallen crap to be face to face with our Lord forever! What are you afraid of? Well, believer, if you are in fear over something, then you’re not seeing it right! You are not seeing it from the perspective you should. Or you would not fear it!

Jesus is the answer to everything we face. He is greater, wiser, and more powerful than anything we can come into contact with in this life! And, He is in us always! Forever with us. What’s to fear when Jesus is near?

I’m telling you fear is all over the place down here. Motivations in people are because they fear. Not because they are in faith. So, it will try and get on you every day! It’s all over this fallen atmosphere. It’s the nature of the devil to fear.

Well, you can do as you want. But, I’m believing that I will live fear free. Have I arrived? Nope! But, I’m on my way! The more I know Jesus, the less I fear in this life! The more I am in faith, the more fear dissipates like steam disapears in to the air. It looses it power over us the more we are in faith about things.

Well, I just want to live in the truth of Jesus in me and look at things that way. The way of truth. The way of reality of Jesus in me. I hope you are getting it too. The revelation of who you are WITH Him!

Fear parilizes. Makes us do things that we would not normally do. There is no peace in it. Man, look, we need to abolish it from our being like something poison! Because, it really is to us! Refuse to let it dominate us in any way.

Well, I’m learning. Hope you are too! Let’s keep a close eye on WHY we are doing certain things. Why are we moved to do things. What is motivating us? Is is Jesus? Or is fear at the bottom of it?

Only you can check on that where you are at before the Lord. I want to live fear free. And, I believe it is available to all of us believers. So, lets refuse to do anything in our lives motivated by fear. Let’s only do things because of faith!” KF KenFletcher.org

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