What You Are

By Ken Fletcher

“Eternity is NOW! What makes you think that you will be different then, after your body dies, than you are right now? If you want to live with Jesus in eternity, you live with Jesus now.

If you’re a believer, you are eternal! Created IN Christ Jesus. With His life. His right-standing with God the Father. Have you got Him now? If you do, then you have His eternal life in you now.

What about if you do not have Jesus now? Well, you can’t expect things will be different with you and God later than they are now! Get things right with Him now. When you have opportunity in this life. What you are now is what you are eternally. Just because your body may die means nothing about who you are.

What family are you in? Adam’s? The fallen one separated from God? Or in Jesus’ family?–Who are one with God! Now! What you are now is what you are then.

On the Know Thyself series, we are exploring what it means to be a child of God. The inward man. The real man (or woman, of course). What the Bible calls the hidden man. That is who you are! Who are you, then? Are you perceiving who you are?

Do you realize your soul is the real you! Your soul is spiritual. And, will live on eternally after your body passes. You will transition into seeing full on the spirit realm. Which is the real everlasting realm. The parent realm to this natural realm is the spirit realm.

The natural realm came out of the spirit realm and exists only because God spoke and it was created. Then, later, it was perverted as sin entered this realm so long ago. There is where mankind’s blindness to the spiritual realm began.

The fallen natural realm, and our fallen natural bodies relation to it, took priority in our perceptions. Leaving mankind partially blind to the truth and reality of the spirit.

Through Jesus we can overcome it all. Through our faith in the Lord, we live securely being guided through this matrix of a mess that sin brought to this realm. We can see through Jesus. We can understand what is real through Jesus. We are now, who we are then, with Him!

If you do not have Jesus, you do not have His eternal life. What you are now is what you are then. What you have is what you have. What you are, does it measure up in front of God? You realize, don’t you, that you can change families! You do not have to stay in the fallen family of Adam.

Receive Jesus. Let Him change you! Re-create you! Make you totally right with God. In Christ, you have His very own right-standing with God. What an amazing thought! That you and I have the opportunity to be one with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the highest authority of all anywhere, in any realm, the Father Himself! One with Him! Wow!

What are the possibilities of that truth? I see some unbelievers sometimes, and I think to myself, I wonder what God could do in that person? A man with God is a majority! In any situation! Who are you now? Really! You hooked up with Jesus yet?

Well, time is moving on pretty fast. The opportunity is now at hand. Don’t talk yourself out of the greatest thing you can ever encounter in life. It can be better than you can imagine. If you will just give Jesus your life. He will come in with His eternal life and you will no longer be the same!

Leave the fallen family. Join the eternal life family with God. Choose to receive Jesus with your whole heart. You will be then as you are now. Let Jesus make you right with God. Through faith in what He did for us on the cross and being raised from the dead, we can enter in to what God has provided for us!

When we go from the family of Adam into the family of God, we have peace with God. Why? Because we are now what we will be then when we look at Him face to face!

What are you going to do with Jesus? You have a will of your own. It is exclusively yours. God will not manipulate your will like the devil tries to do all the time. What will you do? Because, what you are now is what you will be later when your body drops. That is the reality of the situation. What are you now? Got Jesus?” KF KenFletcher.org

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