What We’re Doing Here

By Ken Fletcher

“I know some folk don’t quite know how to take me sometimes. What I believe? What I am? What am I doing on here? I guess you could say I am sharing with you right out of my heart. What I’m seeing and perceiving now.

As I live with the Lord each day, I am learning new things. I think many times, it is an unveiling of truth that I become aware of from the Lord. Things that were already true but unseen my me. That seems to be the thing about growing in understanding with the Lord. He deals with you and I on a very personal basis.

He speaks to us as we can comprehend at our level of growth. As little children learning from their Father. That is where I’m at. Trying to see and understand things the way He does. How He see me is how I want to see myself. Anything else is deception.

I speak a lot about living in the real, not in the deception of the matrix. I speak about how perverted this realm is from God’s perfect design–and our relation to it through our fallen bodies. I speak a lot about living in union with Jesus. Seeing His best come to pass in our lives.

What am I all about? I am trying to get folks into reality of their condition before God. I am trying to get believers to live in God’s perfect will for them by hearing from Him for themselves! I’m trying to break down the walls of deception about giving our whole lives to Jesus! Are there any negatives at all in that? I promise you there is not! But, people still believe that it’s not what they want to do.

They just can’t see the other side of it like I do now. So, I wish I could transfer what it would be like for them to give themselves completely to Jesus and His best for them individually. As far as I know, there is no better way to live than to live in faith with Jesus every day!

I do not want to come off as one who has arrived or does not miss it anymore. Of course not! I miss it too! But, I can say that I do not miss it near as much. So, my results are really good. That is why I recommend living with it all in Jesus’ will. To anybody! Anywhere anytime! It is quite literally the best for me and for you!

To find His way? Oh, man! That is the higher way! The better way! The smarter way! The wiser way! The less stress way! And, on and on I could go. Listen, learning to live in faith with Jesus will bring you to a good destination in this life and the one to come! (which really is the same one since we never die)

I get on here and other places writing to people I cannot see. By faith. Flowing from what is inside. What I am seeing. Trusting that something Jesus is showing me will help somebody in life and purpose. To maybe spark something.

One thing leads to another. Maybe a word that leads to a thought in your mind. That leads to another thought–maybe not even related to what I’m writing. But, it takes you to a place of truth before the Master.

That is what I am believing for here. And, I’m praying for you. For your best! For you to understand how amazing this union is we have with the Lord. If you have Jesus, you have it now! If you don’t have Jesus, He is for you too! Receive Him! Then, you too are in union with Jesus through His Spirit within you!

I preach faith in God! I preach faith in His amazing grace! I preach the truth on what Jesus has done for us all. I preach from a perspective of practical use of God’s Word. Why do I do what I do? Because it’s what Jesus has led me to do. My heart is for people to know Him. And to receive Him for themselves. So, then, they can understand how amazing this union is with God.

It is sad how lacking in faith most people are. They have no basis of belief. Nothing to really stand on. They are believing things but it’s not based on God’s Word the Bible. So, the premise or foundation for their believing is all messed up.

So, they are not able to realize the connection we have through Jesus to the Father. They do not have the Holy Spirit yet. So, they cannot relate to the message. They do not consider themselves as lost before God. Nor do they see their need for Jesus to make things right between them and God. But, I believe the Bible is true.

I may not understand it all as I should yet. But, I have proven it true in my own life. So, the people we may be around are reading us! We are the expression of Jesus. People need Jesus. All of them! They need faith in God. They are hurting in all kinds of ways without Him.

What am I all about? I want to get people I come into contact with into direct contact with Jesus. To understand His love. To understand what He has done for them! What they can believe and stand on! What life can be like with Jesus and them together in His will. That is what I’m all about.

So, I hope something I have said or written wil help you somehow. To come into a better understanding about living with Jesus in faith everyday. That is my prayer.” KF KenFletcher.org

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