What Is Truth?

By Ken Fletcher

“There are many voices in the earth. Many influences. People have their own versions of reality. Many times, what is known by people is based on faulty, untrue, or partially untrue information. Things may not be as they appear.

What’s behind that smile looking back at you? Do you really know the true? Seems like our day is all about actors on a stage. Always trying to influence us to do what they want. These voices, though many, represent many selfish agendas.

I believe those who have true hearts toward God are the truth speakers in our day. A pure heart that loves God will give you the truth. Believers need to be ready to share the most wonderful story ever heard–the real good news of Jesus. It’s good news for everyone!

Not everyone wants to accept the good news. They want to stay in the dark–deceiving others and being deceived themselves. Filled with fear. Motivated by selfishness and pride. The masks are on today! Can’t you see them?

Can you believe what you see and hear in the world now? I think not. Lies upon lies. Deceit and dirty dealings. Where is the integrity? I don’t know about you, but seeing all of this going on down here makes me glad I have Jesus.

Why do I get on here and write these posts? Hopefully, something I write may awaken where things are in you! Do you have Jesus tonight? If you had a sudden unexpected event and your body died instantly, do you know where you would go and be? You can get a clue. It’s where you are now inside, only then, without your earthly body anymore. Do you have Jesus and His eternal life?

You can be certain! You can receive Jesus tonight. He is for everyone who believes! That is you too! So, receive Him humbly in your heart right now. Believe He is uniting with you and connecting with you as you ask Him honesty and sincerely. He is faithful to answer you!

Listen, in this life, it’s either Jesus or lies and deception! That’s it! It’s either what’s true or what’s lies and false. Jesus is truth! In the midst of all the deception of our day through all kinds of media, etc. It’s good to know the real truth. To be established in it.

The word of God never changes. It’s true now and then. To know Jesus is to know the Word. He is the Word! He reveals the Word to us. We need to know and understand what is really going on down here. It is much more than what we naturally see. It is spiritual. Demonic spirits are involved. The will of satan is involved in it behind the scenes.

Much deception in the minds of men exists because of their fallen condition. Most people are not aware of the demonic forces behind it all. Going in the direction of satan’s will. They really don’t perceive it at all. Why? Because of the spiritual blindness that exists in fallen mankind.

Those who are the Lord’s walk by faith and not by sight. The reason is because of all the deception against the truth of God’s Word. What we see and hear has been manipulated in this realm! Do you realize that? It is so important to understand this.

Have you been believing lies? Are you being persuaded into think certain ways? Can’t you see it in the media everywhere? They tell you how to think! Everyday! They are doing all kinds of things to shape your thinking to what they want you to believe! Now, with the new technology, there is the AI (Artificial Intelligence) manipulation of photos, etc. going on. What you are looking at is not what is really there at all. They are swapping real for lies in order to deceive us into believing what they want us to believe. Just another deception tool for the ones who want to control people.

All this deceptive stuff to get you to believe things they want you to believe! Lies! Manipulation! Deception! All live and in color everyday here in the real matrix! In todays world, there are many people going to jail for doing nothing but speaking and writing the truth. The truth is getting more rare now days. And, people are afraid to stand up and speak the truth because of the control being exerted over them.

Most people do not really know what to believe anymore. So, they end up believing what they want. Much of what people are believing has been influenced by others who are in some form of deception. It is passed down. Wrong perceptions of what is really going on! That is what we have here on earth! And, that is the way satan likes it.

If a man or woman gets hold of the truth of Jesus, things change for them. They have received the truth and the light. Otherwise, men and women are in a place of partial perception–not seeing and understanding what is really going on here with them in the spirit realm. That’s why I’m on here writing to readers who may need to think on their own about some things!

Right before Jesus went to the cross for us, He stood before the government official who would end up sentencing Jesus to death. This official did not even know what truth was–and said so. And, truth was standing right in front of him! That is where so many dear people are tonight. They do not know what truth is. And, it’s right in front of them. Jesus is ever present and accessible to all those who believe. Do you want reality? Real perception in this life? It comes through faith in Jesus and His Word. Receive Him now and start seeing things the way they really are!” KF KenFletcher.org

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