What If Only One

By Ken Fletcher

“Intersections. Oh, how important to esteem them. God has placed us believers in strategic places. These exist for periods of time. Sometimes longer. Sometimes shorter. But, all temporary. Understanding how important they are is vital for us. Listen, we only have a brief space of time to minister to those people who are around us everyday. I believe that those spaces of time are not understood by many. Sort of taken for granted. God has caused us to intersect with these people. He wants to touch them with His love. He wants to use us to flow through to them. Sometimes, it’s just about your presence there that touches them. Maybe they watch you knowing you love Jesus. You are preaching the gospel of Jesus without saying a word. Your life is an expression of Jesus and His will. There is no one who knows you or works around you that will be the same because you are there! Your life will touch their life. You are intersecting with others you are around. They know you’re different. Sometimes, we can even get a chance to share why we are the way we are. That is always a joy. I am convinced that these intersections with these precious people are God’s mission work each day. Listen, just one life changed can change millions. But, even if there is not millions. The one soul is worth more than the whold world. If you were able only to reach one soul in your lifetime. That one person, is worth more than eveything in this world. And that’s a lot! Oh, the value of a soul. What is it really? Beyond what we understand now. But, one soul. The value. It is great! So, let’s say, one soul is all you were able to reach before you went home to glory. Then, when you get there, it is revealed how great a thing a soul really is. And, you understand and see it. Then, you realize how great a thing happend through you to the other one you had intersected with in life. This is reality perspective, my friend. This is happening! Through you, Through me. What are they seeing? To the best of our ablility, let’s get these precious ones into what’s reall and out of the natrual realm facade. Knowing how great a soul really is helps us to gain a true view of reality. Some food for thought, dear one. What really is important with you?” Are you esteeming those intersections in your life? KF

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