What If

By Ken Fletcher

“What if you could really know God’s will for your life? What if you could actually live in it everyday? What if you could experience miracles all of the time? What if you could be certain of what Jesus wants you to do in all facets of life? What if worry was a thing of the past? What if you lived in abundance? What if you were healed? What if you really could perceive the wisdom of God when you really needed to know what to do in a situation?

There’s a lot of “what if’s” in life. We can dream. We can project what we think would or should happen. What could and couldn’t happen. But, when we’re totally submitted and committed to the Lord and what He wants, we will have all the above happening. No what if’s. The only “if” is you and me! If we will yield. If we will give Him all. If we will let Him be our God. It’s all up to us! He wants it already! He’s waiting on us! There are no if’s with God. The if’s are on our part. All things are possible with Him! Oh yes! Friend, what IF you really believed that in your life?” KF

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