What Family Are You In?

By Ken Fletcher

“What is at the core of who you are? Well, it’s your heart. Your soul. You ARE a spirit, my friend! Your soul IS made of spiritual stuff. You ARE eternal. Whether you realize it or not. You are now in one of 2 spiritual families. The fallen family of Adam or the recreated family of Jesus. Only 2 races of people down here spiritually. Really. The most important thing you must look at in your own life is what family you are in. If you’re in the fallen one–separated from God’s life. There is condemnation on you. You feel it. You know inside that you are not right with God. You are afraid to die. Because, you don’t know what’s on the other side of it. You just don’t know. So, you’re afraid. But, you CAN know. You can choose by faith to receive God’s life through Jesus. He is for everyone. No matter where or what the background. He is a free gift to all who believe. If you choose to stay in the separated family, it means you are rejecting Jesus. It is a rejection to the provision of God to redeem you back to Himself. What can He do? When He’s already done everything He can do? The decision is yours. He’s decided about His part concerning you. He wants you! So much! But, what do you say? You have your part that He cannot do. That is your own will. God has created in you the exclusive right for you to make your own choices. He will not cross your will. What do you decide? To reject the love of God expressed through His gift of eternal life with Him through Jesus? In order for you to stay in the fallen race headed for destruction, you have to reject God’s free gift of Jesus. God’s eternal life for mankind is only found IN Jesus. Our faith in Him and what He has done causes the transformation in our spirit. We are made, re-created, right with God. This new man is blended with Jesus. We become one with Him. We now can experience the joy of being in God’s family in union with Jesus. But, what do you want to happen? Do you want to stay in the place you are? It’s not a good place. It will not take you to a good destination. But, you can do as you will. It is my prayer that you deeply consider the things I have written. The truth and light is found in Jesus. Eternal life for us is found in Jesus. The question is, will you receive Him for yourself?” KF

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