What Else Can He Do?

By Ken Fletcher

“The love of God. Perhaps the biggest subject in the Kingdom. How deep? How wide? It’s as deep as His grace for us. Wider than comprehension. It can raise person up from the lowest depths. It can heal the worst hurt. It can take an impossible case and change it’s whole destiny. It can bring joy in the midst of sorrow. Peace in the midst of chaos.

God’s love is so much more than we can realize now in this life. It’s what sent Jesus to us. It’s who Father is! He is through and through love! God is love. God is truth. We can realize His love. We’re the ones who are resisting Him, not the other way around.

How can we know His love personally. It’s everywhere! Even with the unbeliever. He is raining good on the unbeliever just like the believer. He blesses all that He is able to bless in people. Their will is what stops Him from expressing His love to them. So, as much as He can, He is good to all. He is love. What else can He do?

Aren’t you thankful that Father is that way? I sure do hope so. Because, if He was not really that way, we would ALL be sunk with no hope for the future. Lets think on the wonderful truth of the love of God. And, the fact that in each believer, His love has been distributed in our hearts through Christ. What a thought! We have His love inside. Now! It’s all because we’re born of God. That is who we are!

Perhaps you are facing things in your life that you do not understand. There is a source of the negative things that are hitting you. It’s not God! He has no negatives! So, part of receiving His love is realizing that He is not your problem.

Nor is He looking down His nose at you for the stuff you are involved in. He just loves you! You! Not your baggage and other stuff that have messed you up or confused you. He really does love you! And He accepts you! Right where you are! Right in the middle of whatever state you find yourself in. He is there with His love.

His love is an encompassing love. It is greater than all the stuff we may have encountered in life. So many people are so hurt from past things that have happened to them. Wrong things that should have never happened. But did. And, it left them with deep hurts that they have carried for many years sometimes.

What will help them? God’s love! He will heal the hurts. Even to the point where it will just seem like a bad dream. And they, many times, will go on to take the terrible thing that hurt them so bad and actually help others up and out who are experiencing the same thing. How amazing is God’s love. Because He loves you, He wants you to experience His love today. Why don’t you receive His love right now? Why not?” KF KenFletcher.org

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