What Better Thing?

By Ken Fletcher

“I thought tonight, what could I write that would really help someone in their life? People are hurting in different ways. They are struggling with different stuff in life. I have also stuggled with stuff in life. But, through it all, Jesus was faithful. Wherever you find yourself tonight, place your trust in Jesus. Believe in His love. Ask Him to help you to understand what to do. Believe that He is and will. Because, that is what He wants to do. I can tell you that it doesn’t matter what the problem is, He is greater. And knows how to bring you up and out of it in victory. I’m a believer. Not a doubter. And, because of my faith in Jesus, I have gotten to see Him do miracles. He will do the same for you too! There is no pit too deep that the Lord cannot bring you up and out of. Give Him your life. What better thing can you do? I say, nothing! After 51 years of knowing Jesus, I can say, I’ve never regretted receiving Him as my Lord. He has saved me in life numerous times. And has been so faithful to me. Would I recommend Jesus? Instantly, yes! No matter where you come from, Jesus is for you. Receive Him now. What better thing can you do than that? I say, nothing. In Him is our answer. No matter what it is. He will show us the best way every time! What could I write that would really help someone in their life? The best news that anyone can say. The news that Jesus is available to everyone! In Him is eternal life and all that it means. In Him is sonship relationship with the Father. Oh, yes my friend, Jesus really is the best thing I can write about that will really help someone. Not just now. But later too! It really is my prayer that you, reader, will look to Jesus in your heart. If you would open your heart to Him willingly, He will come in. He will help you. It will be you and Him from then on. Never alone anymore. Never without counsel. Never without direction and purpose. Never without the healer. Never without His wisdom anymore. What could I write that would really help someone tonight? I hope that I just did. My prayers are with you.” KF

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