What A Privilege

By Ken Fletcher

“What does Jesus want to happen in us, believers? So much!

He wants to direct your every step in this life. In order to bring you into His best for your life. In order to make you a blessing to others in this life. In order to flow eternal benefit through you to people who need Jesus. Who need encouragement. Who need a hand up. Who need a miracle.

I had a dear coworker say to me one time that she appreciated a prayer that I had prayed for her. I said to her, it was my privilege to do so. And, dear friend, it really is! That is what we are here for. To help, bless, lift, encourage, heal, and help people to just see Jesus!

We are eternal spirits with a mission. Our mission is to touch people with the truth of faith in Jesus. He IS the truth and the life of God to us all. They MUST know Him! It is vital! What are we here for? We’re here for them!

Let love flow. Let prayer flow. Let the presence of Jesus in us flow to the ones He loves. We and He are workers together in the same direction. Unified in purpose. It does not matter what you do in this life. Is it all about Jesus? Is it all about helping others to know Him. Those you work around. Live around. Those in your circle of influence.

Listen, we should be a positive force in each life we come in contact with. Why? Because, look who is walking around with us inside! It’s Jesus Himself! So, He and we are blended together inside. When we believers touch them, Jesus is touching them. Even only with a smile sometimes. Always willing to pray and help. And, friend, if they will let you pray for them, and then you get to do it, it is such a privilege!

We should always be looking for those opportunities to minister Jesus to those around us. Especially for those who do not know Him yet. Well, as we go along, we should be expecting some of them to come into the family soon. I realize that all will not choose Jesus. But, we should do our best to make sure they have come in contact with Him through us!

What a privilege to pray. To bless. To heal. To give. To encourage. To lift. To help when and where Jesus directs us. Then, we are living in His higher purpose and not just living for temporary things here that will pass away. What a privilege it is to work with Jesus!” KF KenFletcher.org

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