We’re Under Attack

By Ken Fletcher

“What is currently happening in our day? Manipulation! The evil force that is behind the one-worlders! The influence of this world is deceptive. With hidden evil motives. There are power hungry people behind it all. Big money people. People who want to control us.

They will be manipulating coming events to incite other terrible events. All deceptive. In order to bring about chaos and unrest. To get us fighting one another. Not realizing the real enemy is behind the scenes inciting it all–Without you and I knowing that it is they that are the direct reason it is happening. That is what they want! Their expected results!

Then, they swoop in to the aftermath in order to obtain more control over us all. They will do it again as they have done in the past many times. It is manipulation using our perceptions in the natural realm against us. What we see presented in the media is not really the way it is! The truth is not obvious.

The events we look at seem true. But, underneath it all, and behind it all, is the power and manipulation of the evil force of this fallen world. The one who hates all humans because we are created in the image of God.

Satan is behind it. And, he is using his demons along with committed men and women to accomplish his goals against the people. Can we see though it? Are we astute enough to understand it all? How can we counter such diabolical plans? Or stop them from occurring?

We can believe God. Someone might say, doing that will not help! Oh, but we also have unseen forces! We have the mighty Holy Spirit. We have armys of angels in the unseen realm. So, we’ve got a lot more going on than people think.

There is a mighty battle going on for the direction of this nation. We need God to lead us into the best for us here in the USA. We believers must pray and believe for this nation. Now! We are under attack! Even by our own government! Will we just roll over and let them have it without a fight?

We can fight without firing a bullet or swinging a fist. We have faith! We can believe! Our prayer is powerful! Our God is unlimited! We can act on our faith. And do what the Lord says to do! Jesus is with us believers. In the midst of all the evil manipulation going on in our day, lets remember who we are! Lets remember who we have!” KF KenFletcher.org

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