We’re Partners Together

By Ken Fletcher

“Jesus reminds me. We are partners together. In one purpose. He is the senior partner, of course. And, He leads the way. What’s happening is He and I together. We do everything together. I do not want to go or be anywhere He does not want to go or be. So, I go in faith at His direction. It is trust. It is knowing He has our best interest at heart. And, He can see what is ahead!

What an advantage for us believers to have! Well, what I have briefly described above is the way things are with you and Jesus too! Maybe you have not realized some of these things yet. But, they are yours with Him too! In fact, Jesus goes with you everywhere you go. All the time! The idea is to have Him lead the way. And, us not take the leadership with our own will.

Doing things our way will lead us away from His best for us. But, when Jesus reminded me that we are partners, it made me so thankful to be involved with Him like that. I feel so privileged to be included into His plan for me. I do not understand it all yet. But, I know that He has everything that I have. So, even when it seems I may not be measuring up in people’s eyes, I know what He shows me that are in His eyes.

As far as I know, I’m doing what He wants me to do. I am in His best for me. And, though I can’t see much of where we are going together, I am excited to go there with Him. Because, I know it’s going to be really good. And, I get to experience His miracles.

I write these things to inspire you. I have not always been with the Lord like this. Much of my life has been self willed. I have yielded some of myself to Jesus over the years. Sometimes almost all. Sometimes less. I guess a lot of times I was like so many believers who are distracted with this present world.

I have loved the Lord since the day I received His life as a 19 year old barefoot, long haired, hippie boy. But, I have not always lived for Him. I’m older now. And, I can see things a lot better. I wish I could impart some of these things I see into the younger ones. But, perhaps they will find the truth in their own journey.

I have been trying to get folks to give all of themselves to Jesus. Really giving Him control of it all! If they could understand how amazing it is, I believe they would jump at the chance.

What does it mean to be partners with Jesus? A lot of things. But, one thing for sure, when He knows He has all of you, then He can get involved with all of you. I encourage you, my brother and sister, give it all to Jesus! Then, you too can realize His best for your lives!

He knows what will do it for you since He built it in you to start with! He wants to maximize and direct you into His will–which involves people. I hope that you will deeply consider these things I have written. Your life can be radically different! With Jesus in the driver’s seat! Who knows what is going to come your way. You and He really are partners together in His will. Wishing you God’s best!” KF KenFletcher.org

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