We’re In Two Realms

By Ken Fletcher

“People are SO busy thinking and talking about things that really do not matter. Their so engrossed with the natural realm. Yet, this present world we call the matrix is the realm that will pass away. There’s SO MUCH attention, time, and effort on this present life. It consumes them! It consumes their direction in life. They act like this is all there is. They act like there is no spiritual realm to consider. But, THERE IS! So, the dullness and blindness of our connection to our parent realm is detrimental to us in every way. I asked the Lord today, why are some people seeking Him and the real of things? AND why are some NOT seeking Him and the real of things? Listen, the fallen realm is designed to keep people in a state of darkness. It keeps them in deception to IT’S effects on them! The result is an almost NON-PERCEPTION in our souls OF our spirit (who we really are) and the spirit realm we are supposed to move in! It really is a sad state of affairs for a human created in the image of God and His likeness! We are created to live in the spirit! Our souls are designed to move in both realms–the natural AND the spiritual. Jesus is the way we are able to see the real. He IS the real. People who do not know Jesus suffer from partial truths being fed to them on a daily basis. They take it in. Living in deception is the result. A false sense of reality exists. In many people, this state continues throughout their whole life. For those precious people, upon the death of their bodies, they awaken to the other realm of which they ARE already a part of. They automatically are pulled to be with their spiritual family. Satan’s or God’s. They DO have a spiritual body! Do they realize it in this present time down here? Without Jesus, deception will be happening in the matrix. Without your connection to reality (Jesus and His Word) you are at a major disadvantage! You just won’t see right, that’s all! It’s the Word and Jesus inside that brings us into the way it REALLY IS! Not our perception! But, Jesus’ perception and our faith in Him! That is how we are supposed to live in this present fallen natural reality. My prayer is more people will awaken to the reality of Jesus. He loves us all. He does not want anybody to miss anything! The truth IS NOT hidden! But, what about that hunger for Him and the real truth of things? That, my friend, is something that is deep within your soul!” KF

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