We’re Here And There

By Ken Fletcher

“Let’s talk about The Kingdom of God. Jesus talked about it all the time while He was on the earth. Why? Oh, there are lots and lots of reasons.

One of the big ones is that The Kingdom of God is everlasting! It never will pass away! It is God’s Domain! The will of God is done completely all the time. Every moment. Without any hindrances. Jesus, who is God’s Son, came from there! He brought us the message of eternal life with Him in the everlasting Kingdom of God.

It is not a fairy tale. Or a fantasy. No, friends it is a place of perfection and love. Every good thing is there all the time BECAUSE God’s will IS being done ALL the time! That IS the believer’s home. We are now citizens of the Kingdom!

When Jesus came down here, He brought the Kingdom of God with Him! And, He explained that the Kingdom of God is within us! How is that possible? Through the precious Holy Spirit who dwells within us all the time.

So, in reality, the believer is living in 2 places at the same time! Our eternal soul is abiding in our natural body. And, our soul is abiding also securely in the Kingdom of God!–In the spiritual realm. And, we are connected by the Spirit of God to our Kingdom with the Lord!

If you recall, we are actually seated, in Christ, right next to the Father! In our Kingdom, we have the ear of the Father all the time! As believers, in Christ, we are actually positionally sitting next to the Father with Jesus in our Kingdom.

Though we move and do other things, we are still always that close all the time. Do we perceive this reality? Well, regardless of whether or not you perceive it, the Bible says that THIS is what Father has done through Christ! So, you might as well believe what He says He has done!

2 realms! At the same time! Now we know that our spirit body and soul are actually perfect and heaven ready all the time. We were created in Christ that way! We are perfectly in union with Him, our head.

But, understand, here on earth, we are carrying around in these bodies who we now are with Jesus. We are carrying around the Kingdom of God in here! Father is in here! Jesus is in here! The Holy Spirit is in here! And, we are one! All that the Kingdom is we have access to all the time. Because we’re there all the time.

How conscious are we of these truths? Even though we may read them in Ephesians and other books, do we realize what we’ve got inside these mortal bodies? I think not, most of the time. Well, I want to be more aware of what I’m carrying around all day and night. And, I want to see it benefit other people.

I want to see Jesus touch them. I want to see the Kingdom come out upon them and effect good in their lives! I want to be effective in this life to bring out to people the eternal Kingdom of God. So, they too can know Jesus, the One, who brings us into the Kingdom. Don’t you? Don’t you want all of that good stuff that we received from God to spill out on others we come into contact with?

While on earth, Jesus was in contact constantly with the Father by way of the Holy Spirit. With the exception of when He became sin for us on the cross. In His life, He heard the Father inside all the time! We likewise are in constant contact with Jesus through the Holy Spirit all the time.

We have Him. And we should be all moving in the directions He shows us–just like He moved in the directions Father showed Him. All the time! Is it possible? Yep! We can! We have it all now inside of us!

Do you believe it? Well, if not, you could go and soak and saturate yourself in the truth of the Word and get in faith about it. Know what you have, dear believer! Know who you are with Jesus! Know Thyself!

What a huge subject The Kingdom Of God. There’s so much to talk about that we have now! It IS real. It IS ours. It IS now! We are there! Whether we realize it or not. It is true! Since we have this. Let’s be diligent to be a blessing to others while we are here. Let’s be more Kingdom minded as we travel here below.” KF KenFletcher.org

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