We’re Created Perfect Inside

By Ken Fletcher

“What keeps us in the perfect will of God for our lives? I believe it is our heart condition before Him. Are we yielded and committed to His plan and way for us?

Does He have control of it all in our lives? Do we consult Him on every day matters? On direction? On our ministry to others? Are we on track with His plan in us and through us? God questions. Humm…? Do you and I want the perfect will of God for us or do we want it our way?

Everything I have seen about Jesus has been positive in over 50 years of knowing Him. He just gets better and better. Well, He doesn’t really. He is that way all the time. But, the more I know about Him, it just gets better and better, the more I see and understand.

I have found that if we want the perfect will of God we must want what He wants. And, the funny thing about it is, He built in the desire of our hearts when He created us. So, What we really want inside of our heart is what He wants for us.

It’s not a mystery. God is for us. And, His ways are just better! If we really believed that, we would trash what we think is so hot and reach out for what Jesus has for us! We read it all through the Bible of men and women of faith who did just that.–Trashed their own way and grasped His way. Their lives were never the same.

What a wonderful thing to get our minds wrapped around. The truth and revelation that you, the new creation of God, were created perfect in Christ. His desires are built in there already in your new spirit.

If believers can begin to understand this new person, who is in fusion and blended with Jesus, IS who they are! Not the person looking back at them in the mirror! You and I are inside! We’re the ones inside who are supposed to be running the thing looking back at us in the mirror!

I believe that if believers really knew who they are, they will live in the perfect will of God for them in this life. Does it mean everything will be perfect? No. Of course not. But, He leads us in the best way for us as we live in our imperfect and fallen sinful bodies that are in contact with this fallen sinful world.

But, we’re perfect. Because it is a work of God–which is perfect. We are in union with Jesus inside–which makes us perfect inside. Do we understand all of this what we are now? Far from it. But, we renew our minds daily to the truth of who we are.

It is much different than what the world says we are. Much, much different. If they could see who we are and who we are in union with, they would see the truth. But, right now, as they look at us believers, they are looking at fallen bodies, just like the ones they have. But, they do not have Jesus. Yet!

I believe that the perfect will of God for us means that we share in the love Jesus has for people. His perfect will for us involves us touching those around us with the message of life in Jesus. Bringing them into the family. So, they too can realize the wonderful perfect will of God for themselves.

It is a blessing to live with Jesus. To hear Him. To follow Him. Do things His way. Do things the faith way. That’s the best.

Dear reader friend, I sincerely hope that you will hunger for the Lord’s will for your life. I hope that maybe some of these words may inspire you to seek the Lord. To find His perfect will. To really comprehend who you are now with Jesus and the Father. That is my prayer for you, believer friend. And, my unbeliever friend, wise up! Receive Jesus now! He loves you and has given everything to have you! Receive Him! You’ll be so glad you did. As always, wishing you the best. And, thanks for reading by stuff.” KF KenFletcher.org

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